New Wii gameplay video at IGN

by skankerzero

15 years, 8 months ago

I don't like the Wii.

I have shaky hands and just feel it's not precise enough. At least not like button pressing.

by Yehome

15 years, 8 months ago

I personally think that the Wii is Nintendo's most disapointing hardware system.
I keep it just for upcoming Ghostbusters.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

I personally think that the Wii is Nintendo's most disapointing hardware system.
I keep it just for upcoming Ghostbusters.

I like it, and I like the DS, while I don't play mine as much as I do my 360, I still do play it abit.

by megax111

15 years, 8 months ago

OOOO-oooo, Skanker you fanboy.

You're just mad because you can't own one, despite having worked on the game, and making some big bucks in the process. You just can't own one.


Hater… Just kidding.

I think it is okay for people to dislike systems, but as gamers we should respect gaming in full. Which means respecting the companies who helped keep the industry going.

However, there are those gamers out there so loyal to a certain system, they cease being a gamer, and more of a corporate kiss-butt. They fell from gamer to fanboy, despite each system having some great gems.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

thank you MegaX, well put

we dont need anymore of these blasted console wars on the boards folks

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 8 months ago

ok i was making valid points so i dont get why it was deleted…not any fanboyish crap.

Megax- u said nothing that i dont agree with and what i had already said…i have all three and…like i said before…

each system has pros and cons…

Nuff said!!

by skankerzero

15 years, 8 months ago

OOOO-oooo, Skanker you fanboy.

You're just mad because you can't own one, despite having worked on the game, and making some big bucks in the process. You just can't own one.


Hater… Just kidding.

I think it is okay for people to dislike systems, but as gamers we should respect gaming in full. Which means respecting the companies who helped keep the industry going.

However, there are those gamers out there so loyal to a certain system, they cease being a gamer, and more of a corporate kiss-butt. They fell from gamer to fanboy, despite each system having some great gems.

I own every system since sega cd.

we got free wiis and ps3s at work.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 8 months ago

However, there are those gamers out there so loyal to a certain system, they cease being a gamer, and more of a corporate kiss-butt.
It's really not about being a “corporate kiss-butt”. My decision to by a “certain Sony product”, was based SOLEY on the, nothing but bad experiances with “a certain Microsoft product” from the past. And it looks like I (personally) made the right decision.(*peter)

And as far as the Wii goes, I'm not a big Nintendo fan, but GBs does look pretty awesome on it! I don't really like the controls (nunchuck/control). Where's a Power Glove when you need one!(*egon)

by megax111

15 years, 8 months ago

And see, that is the okay decision to make.

However, one has to ask. Since you feel burned by a system that gave you problems, do you needlessly bash it, and talk others out of buying one, and instead try to persuade them in getting a PS3? If so, in my opinion it makes one a fanboy.

See, I have never had a single problem with any of the 360's I owned. I had the launch system clear up til April 2007, when the Elite came out. Bought that, and been gaming on it ever since. Things are only better now that you can install games, thus negating a spinning disc drive constantly.

If I ever see a gamer on the fence, who asks for advice on which system to get, my first reaction is “ALL systems are worth owning for their exclusives.” If they say they can only afford one, I tell them to get the most affordable. Cheapest system currently is 360, but I don't directly tell them that. They can find that out on their own.

I tell them whatever choice they make, they would do good to save for the other consoles, as they have exclusives worth owning the system for.

It's all about showing respect to gaming, not the systems they play on. Developers can't survive with their exclusives on said system, if people refuse to own it, and developer's work hard to get their work in our hands.

I would never let something so little as a system failure deter me from owning it. Specially when it is as simple as mailing it in. I'm not lazy enough to drive to a local UPS shop and mail that bitch off, and get it fixed for free. They can keep sending me new systems (pending mine ever breaks down,) for all I care, and if it breaks, I'll keep sending it back, until they are sick of me. I got all the patience in the world. (*peter)

Those who own one system, but don't try to deter other people from buying the systems they don't have themself, or don't needlessly bash the other systems for whatever reason that may sound like blind fanboyism, are fine with me. They are gamers… It is those who cry foul about the other systems they choose not to own, and try to talk people into owning the system they chose, that seem like a cruddy little PR person for the corporation they bend over for.

Again, all just opinion though.

by JoshuAD

15 years, 8 months ago

Does anyone else notice that there is no tug of war struggle to get a ghost into a trap? You just drag the ghost over and it drops right in. Lame.