16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
The Firehouse will be free-roaming, but not the rest of the game world. From my understanding you'll only be able to wonder around what's been designated a wonderable area.
16 years ago
16 years ago
Kingpin;133901Maybe you could take a cab? j/k
There isn't really more an in-depth explanation than that, other than that it'd also be where any achievements attained would apparently be displayed… I couldn't tell you an exact source other than it being one of the early interviews.
I've assumed (I think it's a reasonable assumption) that the rest of the areas aren't free-roam because I don't think there'd be much to be gained from having a replica of Manhattan Island if you wouldn't be driving to the bust, and that if the whole game were free-roam we'd have heard that by now.
16 years ago
There isn't really more an in-depth explanation than that, other than that it'd also be where any achievements attained would apparently be displayed… I couldn't tell you an exact source other than it being one of the early interviews.
I've assumed (I think it's a reasonable assumption) that the rest of the areas aren't free-roam because I don't think there'd be much to be gained from having a replica of Manhattan Island if you wouldn't be driving to the bust, and that if the whole game were free-roam we'd have heard that by now.
16 years ago
Scott Sommer;133910
I remember TR talking about a level where you have to lead the Ecto-1b down the streets of New York while catching ghost.
I don't know if you all consider somewhat free-roaming, but I think it is the closets you guys will get to it.
16 years ago
Doctor Venkman;133911
“Leading” isn't exactly what was said. It was more than Ecto-1B is driving down the street (you have no control over this) while you bust ghosts, presumably from the roof.
16 years ago
Scott Sommer;133942
Yeah “leading.”
1 : coming or ranking first : foremost
2 : exercising leadership
3 : providing direction or guidance <a leading question>
4 : given most prominent display <the leading story>
If I go first to scope out the way that is called leading. If I give orders, that is also called leading.
You lead the way for Ecto-1b to go through. It doesn't go off on it's own and leaves you behind. No more like You go on ahead to make sure the way is clear before you advance.
I am thinking of it as the part in Gears 2 where you have to lead Betty through the tunnel.
Also I don't think it is on the roof of buildings as we have seen from tech Demo builds of Ghostbusters the game, we have the Ghostbusters down on the street. While it is only a tech Demo, Mark Randell said that one of the levels takes place during the thanksgiving day parade.
I never said you drove Ecto-1b. I just said you had to guide it.
16 years ago
He means the roof of Ecto-1b, which i think is correct. I'm sure i have heard that in one of the online interviews!?!