by brianreilly

21 years, 3 months ago

Wow, is this ever ridiculous. How about this is what the containment unit always looked like (except for a few new band-aid repairs), it was all just hiddden behind a certain wall that we all saw get destroyed in the movie.

EDIT:: I'd just like to go on record and say, how embarrassing for the mods to have all this fighting going on over nothing. Especially with Sebastian present.

by Sebastien

21 years, 3 months ago

Hello All,

Here's the loop on the ECU.

1st Obviously this is not the movie ECU, it is widely known and accepted that the original exploded, this is the first reason why the ECU is different now.

2nd It is also known that the original ECU was getting “crowded” hence the need for a bigger one.

3rd The containement unit main protection system that makes the “backbone” of the Ghost “prison” is a high voltage laser. Shutting its power down is very hazardous and we all know its effect when the power goes off….. KABOOM

That being said it would be logical to assume that Egon and Ray, when building the new ECU, would make it bigger, and safer too because, after all they would not purposedly endanger the population knowing that the first design had flaws.

Hence a bigger, a more sophisticated and safer ECU.

Now it is true that this ECU is influenced by RGB, I think the RGB ECU design was cool and nods to the series. After all RGB was cool.

About the micro-dimensions system, however theoritically possible I do not beleive the guys would have the funds necessary to build such a device, not yet anyway. Here's why.

Making nuclear accelerators is within today's science reach ( maybe not as small as the GB's but close ), we have nuclear plants, nuclear submarines, and nuclear accelerators better known as particle accelerators. All of these are actually man made and woking well.

On the other hand, creating micro-dimensions is beyond today's science limits, and since the guys are regular people, not rich or set in the future, they too are'nt capable of such feat. Not yet anyways.

GB's equipment is based on today's science, assembled from what they could muster, either be pinball machine parts and other bits and pieces.

Even if the equipment seems far fetched it is theoritically possible to detect paranormal activity and monitor it. Ghostbusters took that science fact and added the fiction of actually capturing Ghosts and holding on to them indefinitely.

That being said, the new ECU has a stronger and safer storage mechanism that still uses a high voltage laser, powered by regular eletricity, has safety back-up systems, monitoring systems, and other cool gadgets and technology that you will discover throughout the serie.

But remember, they don't have a unlimited budget, and just like in life some of these experiments succeed and some fails, the cool part about not having much money to spend on research makes scientists to be very creative.

Finally I think you will be pleased to know that I have this idea of publishing, in 2004, the cool Ghostbusters Technical Manual, in it you'll have plenty of blueprints and explanation on all the equipment, how it works, all of this backed up by actual science facts, it would also include a Ghost/Vapors/Slimers/Entities identification and classification guide.

2004 : The Year of the Ghostbusters



P.S. You should all know that I've been reading Scientific American for the last 10 years, and although I do not claim to be a genius nor specially mentally gifted :-) , it will serve the GB comics well in the sense that I plan on using actual science facts to explain the workings of the equipment, and paranormal science.

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 3 months ago

Well since I haven't gotten an explanation as to what you and Stoofuss were talking about, Riddle, I'm going to assume you were reffering to whether I like Harold Ramis. Yes I do, he is my fave. He did look kinda cute when GB came out, and I like his smile and eyes, but my being against the idea of Egon and Janine being together as romantic partners was never based on that. It's all been based on my theories on personality compatability, and so forth, and also my old-fashioned belief that romance should only have a genre exclusive to itself. You know, Romance movies and chick-flicks? Those are the two genres that romance should remain exclusive to. If it is to be included in a film that is not of those two genres, then the romance scenes need to work in tamdem with the main plot, otherwise they are what I call, “red-herrings” or distractions off the main plot. Superfluous(sp?) scenes. Or utterly pointless scenes. Like BlueWaveGB said in a post somewhere, “ah who cares? Just bring on the ghosts and ghouls!” That's all that I believe GB should just be about. Busting ghosts and catchy one-liners between the guys. Romance? Nah! It has no place in GB.

Once again, I will say that my first preference is for Egon and Janine's relationship to be platonic. What's wrong with friends? Hell, not every guy I've been with has been a romantic partner. I have guys who I'm just friends with.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago

by XTremeLurker

21 years, 3 months ago

Well, it seems that Sebastien has things well and truly in hand with the whole ECU thing, which definitely inspires confidence in the new comic. Can I add that I can't wait until next Feb!!

And EgonsBabe, I think you'll be hard pressed to find any action film without an element of romance in it… Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Spiderman, Back to the Future, Batman, heck, even Peter Jackson spiced up The Lord of The Rings to add a little romance.

by Sebastien

21 years, 3 months ago

As far as romance goes, sure there will be some. Don't expect us to turn everything upside down, as I have said before, all is based on the 1st movie.



by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 3 months ago

Hello All,

Here's the loop on the ECU.

1st Obviously this is not the movie ECU, it is widely known and accepted that the original exploded, this is the first reason why the ECU is different now.

2nd It is also known that the original ECU was getting “crowded” hence the need for a bigger one.

3rd The containement unit main protection system that makes the “backbone” of the Ghost “prison” is a high voltage laser. Shutting its power down is very hazardous and we all know its effect when the power goes off….. KABOOM

That being said it would be logical to assume that Egon and Ray, when building the new ECU, would make it bigger, and safer too because, after all they would not purposedly endanger the population knowing that the first design had flaws.

Hence a bigger, a more sophisticated and safer ECU.

Now it is true that this ECU is influenced by RGB, I think the RGB ECU design was cool and nods to the series. After all RGB was cool.

About the micro-dimensions system, however theoritically possible I do not beleive the guys would have the funds necessary to build such a device, not yet anyway. Here's why.

Making nuclear accelerators is within today's science reach ( maybe not as small as the GB's but close ), we have nuclear plants, nuclear submarines, and nuclear accelerators better known as particle accelerators. All of these are actually man made and woking well.

On the other hand, creating micro-dimensions is beyond today's science limits, and since the guys are regular people, not rich or set in the future, they too are'nt capable of such feat. Not yet anyways.

GB's equipment is based on today's science, assembled from what they could muster, either be pinball machine parts and other bits and pieces.

Even if the equipment seems far fetched it is theoritically possible to detect paranormal activity and monitor it. Ghostbusters took that science fact and added the fiction of actually capturing Ghosts and holding on to them indefinitely.

That being said, the new ECU has a stronger and safer storage mechanism that still uses a high voltage laser, powered by regular eletricity, has safety back-up systems, monitoring systems, and other cool gadgets and technology that you will discover throughout the serie.

But remember, they don't have a unlimited budget, and just like in life some of these experiments succeed and some fails, the cool part about not having much money to spend on research makes scientists to be very creative.

Finally I think you will be pleased to know that I have this idea of publishing, in 2004, the cool Ghostbusters Technical Manual, in it you'll have plenty of blueprints and explanation on all the equipment, how it works, all of this backed up by actual science facts, it would also include a Ghost/Vapors/Slimers/Entities identification and classification guide.

2004 : The Year of the Ghostbusters



P.S. You should all know that I've been reading Scientific American for the last 10 years, and although I do not claim to be a genius nor specially mentally gifted :-) , it will serve the GB comics well in the sense that I plan on using actual science facts to explain the workings of the equipment, and paranormal science.

I like this post! :-) Also, will the GBTM be the art book or will it be something else?

by divia1

21 years, 3 months ago

I hope that Egon and Janine get together. Do I want wild hot sparks to fly in the first issue? Um, no. Do I want their relationship to build up over time? Yes. Their relationship was one of the things that caught my intrerest. If they were just friends I'd find it dull. But hey that's just me.

by dantheman1

21 years, 3 months ago

Finally I think you will be pleased to know that I have this idea of publishing, in 2004, the cool Ghostbusters Technical Manual, in it you'll have plenty of blueprints and explanation on all the equipment, how it works, all of this backed up by actual science facts, it would also include a Ghost/Vapors/Slimers/Entities identification and classification guide.
:-O *drool*
That would be excellent!! I've always loved the fact that Ghostbusters was based on scientific facts, and a technical manual featuring the coolest anti-paranormal weapons ever devised would make my day!

Next year is going to rock!

P.S. Just a suggestion , but for the ghost classification system, don't make a carbon copy of the Ghostbuster RPG game… I'd love to see some unique and creative thoughts from you guys. (^_^)

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago