by DocFritz

21 years, 3 months ago

:-O (*_*)
I admit I got a really big, silly grin on my face when I saw that artwork. Especially that Ecto Containment Unit–after El Diablo's character designs (which mixed the movie, the animation, and even a few new ideas) were essentially shouted out by the It Must Look Like The Movies crowds, it did my heart good to see that clearly animation-influenced ECU.

I won't say I'm not still nursing some trepidations…I love these characters and have been living with them for two decades. It's just part of the curse of being a writer myself–if I see what my own instincts call Bad Characterization (Venkman seriously studying Mass Spectrometry, Slimer Talking Coherently and Saving Their Asses, Egon and Janine Breaking Up To Date Mary Sue and Louis Tully, ect) I just won't enjoy the thing.

Whatever happens I ask people to give us a chance

And that's what it boils down to.

You've more than earned your chance Mister Clavet. This old Ghosthead is waiting for February with bated breath…
:-) (^_^)

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 3 months ago

I just noticed that Ray has blue hair. And I wish the equipment was colored darker as well.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago

by d_osborn

21 years, 3 months ago

Doc Fritz
–after El Diablo's character designs (which mixed the movie, the animation, and even a few new ideas) were essentially shouted out by the It Must Look Like The Movies crowds…
it's easy as this, fritz…. 88mph wanted the comic to be in the same light as the first movie… hence, movie style characters. i have a feeling they were planning on doing that long before “red” ever started posting here…. i may be wrong, but i remember hearing something a while back about sony only licensing out RGB style stuff…. NOTHING from the films. that is probalby where the RGB style character case studies came from…

by toygeek1

21 years, 3 months ago

i may be wrong, but i remember hearing something a while back about sony only licensing out RGB style stuff…. NOTHING from the films.
That was me, as that was the original stumbling block on toys. Obviously some things are different than they once were.

by d_osborn

21 years, 3 months ago

i may be wrong, but i remember hearing something a while back about sony only licensing out RGB style stuff…. NOTHING from the films.
That was me, as that was the original stumbling block on toys. Obviously some things are different than they once were.
actually… no, it wasn't from you. i do remember you posting something along those lines not too long ago, but i had heard it before that.

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 3 months ago

Orko Is King
I just noticed that Ray has blue hair. And I wish the equipment was colored darker as well.

No, Ray does not have blue hair. Take into consideration the lighting and the only way to make black shiny is my lightening it a bit hence it looking blueish.

by toygeek1

21 years, 3 months ago

I dunno where, then…I'd held to that from sometime in early March (I think…I've slept since then) up until I started hearing new rumblings around a couple months ago now.

by d_osborn

21 years, 3 months ago

lol, of course you don't know where… and probably never will, for obvious reasons.