Next Star Trek movie?

by back

17 years, 6 months ago

im far from a trekkie, nor do i remotely read the star trek forums.
But what can one say for the Next movie installment? or will there be one?

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

im far from a trekkie, nor do i remotely read the star trek forums.
But what can one say for the Next movie installment? or will there be one?

Yes, there will be another Star Trek film.

It's being directed by J.J. Abrams of Lost and Alias fame.

It appears to be set a bit before the original series and so will likely muck up the established history.

Leonard Nimoy is gonna appear in some fashion.

The actor of ‘Sylar’ on Heroes has been cast as a young Mr. Spock.

Or so the information goes…

by GrimSanto

17 years, 6 months ago

I am really looking forwarded to this reboot. Enterprise killed the Star Trek universe for me.

by Dr.D

17 years, 6 months ago

ILM has also confirmed that the Enterprise in the movie is the same model seen in the orignal series. Also, an unknown Russian actor named Anton Yelchin has been cast as Pavel Chekov. J.J. Abrams also stated that he is desperatley trying to include William Shatner in the story, but not just as a cameo.