Nickelodeon Guts Fan Film

by BigMac

18 years ago

I don’t know if many of you seen that old Nickelodeon show called “Guts” that use to be on Nickelodeon back in the 90’s… I liked show and I’m working on a fan film for it called “Nickelodeon Guts Bloopers”

The show was an action sports show for kids but I always find it so funny when the kids mess up on the events or when one of the people on the show say or do something stupid

I have Charter T.V. which has a channel that plays Guts on it so I use a digital camera to record all the funny scenes with then load them on my computer and edit the clips with some video software, The quality of the film is not great but good enough

I plan on making it about one hour long I also have a good soundtrack for it

Survivor - Eye of the Tiger
Eddie Murphy - Party All The Time
Kid Frost – Lowrider
2Pac - I Don't Give a Fu**
Grand Master flash - Don't push Me cause I'm close to the edge
Paul Engemann - Push It to the Limit

When it’s done I’ll put it on u tube or something for all to watch and laugh at :p

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Sounds pretty cool.

My favorite Universal show was “What would you do” and remember “Legends of The Hidden Temple” and “Double Dare”. Man the good memories.

by BigMac

18 years ago

The channel that I record guts off of plays both Legends of the Hidden Temple and Double Dare but What would you do seems to be gone, I haven’t seen that show for at least 5 or 6 years

Right now I’m working on the DVD box cover for Nickelodeon Guts Bloopers I’ll post it after I finish

by Dr.D

18 years ago

Dude, I grew up watching Guts, and that show with the talking head Legends of the Hidden Temple. What was funny about Legends was how at the end of each show, when the kids were in the temple maze, those guard guys would pop out and scare the hell out of these little kids.

by BigMac

18 years ago

Well the cover is not great quality but here it is:

Yeah that was one of my favorite parts of Legends seeing the temple guards jump out at the kids (^_^)

by BigMac

17 years, 10 months ago

I was waiting for an episode of Guts I seen in the past that had a really bad player on it and it finally came on and I recorded the scenes for Guts Bloopers

Now that I have all that I want I can finish making the movie

Pretty soon I’ll be out of school Permanently Thank God so I’ll be able to have more time to work on the movie

by IgnatzKaspir

17 years, 10 months ago

I'll look forward to seeing your movie. I remember watching all those old Nickelodeon shows on the Nickelodeon GaS channel a few months ago, and I think they still show Guts on there. But I lost interest when they stopped showing the classic episodes of the Double Dare shows with Marc Summers hosting, which were perhaps my favorite Nick shows of all. I remembered watching those shows as a kid so it brought back some great feelings of nostalgia.

Guts and Legends of the Hidden Temple were all right too, but I think I even liked What Would You Do and Wild and Crazy Kids better than them. I'm still a little irked that I missed the latter two shows when they were being shown on Nick GaS.

by BigMac

17 years, 10 months ago

Nick GaS is in fact the channel I’m recording off of but I only got the channel recently when I got the “Charter Bundle Pack” so I didn’t even know that they had the original Double Dare on there, I missed out on that, what a shame

I did once watch the Nick GaS channel at a friend’s house and I remember seeing Global Guts and Finders Keepers but now I don’t see those shows on there anymore either

I guess Nick GaS is going downhill with their show line up :p

by BigMac

17 years, 7 months ago

I know it’s been forever but Guts Bloopers is almost finished I just work slowly and get lazy that’s all

by BigMac

17 years, 7 months ago

I could only put part of Guts Bloopers on youtube cause of the time and file size limit

But here is a small preview

The whole Guts Bloopers is little over an hour
I have a feeling that most people are not going to like Guts Bloopers but I still think it’s funny

I think you need to have watched Guts in your childhood to appreciate this video