Nintendo Wii Shortage

by secrecyguy

17 years, 8 months ago

I actually bought one to sell on Ebay but I was only able to get little bit less than $50 over the retail price. So I say forget it. I was considering keeping it for myself but I decided to sell it to my brother since he had two kids.

It turns out that Nintendo said they going to make lots of them so it will be easy to buy. Turns out, they were right. They made lots of Wii that you will find them on the store shelves in December and January.

Here's something no one was expecting to see. In the month of April to today, we now have a shortage of Nintendo Wii. In fact, it's hard to get it now.

I just went to Ebay and it seems that people are willing to pay around $100 over the retail price. Gee… I should have kept my Nintendo Wii. I could have put it up on Ebay and sell it for profit now.

This is almost as if we are in November and December instead of June.

Now my question is, how bad do you want it now?

This poll will last for 68 days.

by Kingpin

17 years, 8 months ago

I actually bought one to sell on Ebay but I was only able to get little bit less than $50 over the retail price.

Wow… the commercial spirit's hardly dead then.

It's nothing personal, but it's this ‘I’ll buy two and sell one on eBay' mentality that makes it so much harder for the average working joe to get things like ‘rare’ figures, products of small production runs and like the Wii, material that's at the moment in really short supply. Not only is it hard for a guy to get them, but it's even harder to get them for a reasonable price.

So I say forget it. I was considering keeping it for myself but I decided to sell it to my brother since he had two kids.

And that's why I didn't launch into a full tirade.

Why only last 68 days?

Personally, I haven't needed the Wii thus far… doubt I ever will.

by secrecyguy

17 years, 8 months ago

I actually bought one to sell on Ebay but I was only able to get little bit less than $50 over the retail price.

Wow… the commercial spirit's hardly dead then.

It's nothing personal, but it's this ‘I’ll buy two and sell one on eBay' mentality that makes it so much harder for the average working joe to get things like ‘rare’ figures, products of small production runs and like the Wii, material that's at the moment in really short supply. Not only is it hard for a guy to get them, but it's even harder to get them for a reasonable price.

So I say forget it. I was considering keeping it for myself but I decided to sell it to my brother since he had two kids.

And that's why I didn't launch into a full tirade.

Why only last 68 days?

Personally, I haven't needed the Wii thus far… doubt I ever will.

Hopefully by than, Nintendo will have more Wii and this poll will be useless by than.

After seeing and hearing positive reviews of Wii, I think I will end up getting it when there are more Wii available.

by ChrisSpade

17 years, 8 months ago

So. secrecyguy. You're madness spreads?! What happens in 68 days? TELL ME! What nefarious plot do you dare concieve in that secretive mind of yours?