No GB3

by GBFreak

22 years, 2 months ago

In a some what recent interview while Harld Ramis promoting Orange COunty this is what was…

As the interview ends, the inevitable question comes up. Before it is even finished, Ramis laughs and gives the answer to “Will you make…”

“…Ghostbusters 3? No way, not happening,” Ramis says smiling.

You can go to

and see for yourself this interview with Mr. Ramis.

by AgentD

22 years, 2 months ago


by kyleogb1983

22 years, 2 months ago

Notice he said that while he was sliming he could been thinking about it then but I believe there be a GB3 all we have to have is Patience and he remember he was smiling when he said that… hmmmm…. very interesting, eh.

by Zack

22 years, 2 months ago

hopefully, but he could be smiling cause he knows a lot of people want it to happen but can't have it due to Bill owning part of the rights, and it's probably a question he gets a lot no matter what he's working on…probably a regular basissmile


by GB3

22 years, 2 months ago

Finally an update from one of the actors/talent of the GB movies. But you do wonder what he was smiling for? He is also laughing about it. Maybe its either one of those possibilities that it may still happen even to himself. So it could be any of these three answers: never, it will or possibly.
Probably laughing because he's getting asked this the last 13 years!
Great find of the article.

by RentonGb

22 years, 2 months ago

GB3, Don't even start that. You know the, hey he laughed when he said that, they must be makeing it now! Please smile

by ProdigalSon

22 years, 2 months ago

just because he was smileing doesn't mean anything, he was probably doing it because he get asked it so much, wants to but can't. still i'll keep hoping for the best.

by Zoul

22 years, 2 months ago

I too, in my mind think the smile is because he gets asked so much, but my heart says it's going to be a surprise. No mention of the movie will ever be spoken and one day you'll be watching a movie and see a trailer that looks like ever other movie then you hear “Who you gunna call?” All I know is they haven't called my band to do it yet. And our version is the second best there is! Nothing can beat the orriginal…

by PF4Eva

21 years, 11 months ago

What a coincidence! yikes smile I wrote a song parody with that exact same title. But you guys do know that I will never lose faith in GB3. How do you explain all my GB3 trailers? wink