no more comics

by jewy1

19 years, 11 months ago

hey, my cousent went to his local comic book store and they told him there not selling the comic anymore because no one is buying them and that there may not be anymore comics coming out.

by Kingpin

19 years, 11 months ago

I'd like to say that that dealer must be psychic because there hasn't been word either way on the comic, but personally I wouldn't give up on it yet.

by toygeek1

19 years, 11 months ago

I'm currently working in a comic shop myself, and just to kinda dispell a myth here…well…we don't really have a lot of “inside” info. Some of the comic companies send us press releases…except that they're the same releases that the news sites get. I personally get more “insider information” than the shop does, and that's just because I know some people personally. (like I know who's going to be doing fill-in art for an issue of a fairly high-profile and pointy eared DC character in the near future…shhh!)

In other words…don't believe anything you hear from a comic shop unless and until you can find a press release. Until then, it's just well-informed speculation.

by Danforth

19 years, 11 months ago

i hope they continue to sell them… i havnt gotten a chance to buy them yet!!!*cries*

by KeeperoftheBlades

19 years, 11 months ago

Well on the back of issue 4 of the Ghostbusters, they said that they are giving Ghostbusters an on going series. Reading that made my night becasue I love the Ghosbusters and they should definatly get their own on going series.

by GuyCC

19 years, 10 months ago

I hate messages like this, even if they're well-intentioned.

I'm not faulting the poster as he's only relaying what he's heard, but I hate it when comic shop owners naysay a product like that, and it gets out as “fact”, because you'd think they'd be in the loop, which as Toygeek pointed out, it isn't always the case. And so, the panic of “implied cancellation” happens.

Not that it isn't hard to believe with all the ship date changes, taking nearly a year for a mini-series to finally complete its run. But old-school comic fans will remember that Image had its own share of woes when they first started. 88MPH is a smaller independent company too (for now). Hopefully the success of this series and future stuff (I so wanted TRON) will bring out these books in a more timely manner.

Sebastien has been more accessible than most comic publishers are to their fans. I applaud and respect them for that.

But as a fan, it doesn't mean that I want the books any less. I'm still waiting for my hardback copy.

by castewar1

19 years, 10 months ago

The comic has been a big seller at all the local shops here in Vancouver. Not to say that Vancouver reflects the world at large, but I think it's a clear indication that the books solid solid. The first had a reprint, after all.