NOMAD PICTURES more new ones are up!

by AgentD

21 years, 11 months ago

Scoleri's work is completely original.

by VincentBelmont

21 years, 11 months ago

I'm with Andrew, but about the fog ghost picture….there is something VERY familiar about your style. And the fog ghost picture especially bothers me.

I'll be the first to admit that Nightsquad's uniforms are just deduxs of El Diablo's GB art.

However, I have seen the fog ghost picture before. Replace the fog ghost, and take the two busters. I have seen those EXACT same positions (even Ron's facial expression) in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle picture somewhere. The resemblance is uncanny.

Now that I think of it, Scoleri-guy does have alot in common with Eastman and Laird. It's like the two took up doing a new GB series.

Scoleri-guy is a fabulous artist, and I don't argue that all of his work is original….except for that ONE piece. I must contend that that single picture is not original.

Aside from that. NOMAD has been blessed with a great deal of talent for their team.

by Kingpin

21 years, 11 months ago

Now that you mention it, it seems familiar from somewhere…

Why is it seem to me that it has overtones of Call of Cthulhu?

by VincentBelmont

21 years, 11 months ago

It was the TMNT that I was thinking of…

by Kingpin

21 years, 11 months ago

Indeed, porbably some big alien thingy.

by Scoleri_guy

21 years, 11 months ago

Okay man, you dont have to believe me, but I do not copy, trace, or any of the such. Its really kind of insulting to be called that. I know you probably dont mean anything by it, but I talked to Bo about that pic, its just entirely coincidence. Im willing to stake my membership to the board on it. I dont even have a Ninja Turtle pic to draw from if I did. I can draw anything man, you ask, I'll draw it up on paint for you in a minute and send it to you. Thats my style, maybe it looks like some artist that drew NTs, but its mine. I do not copy.

by AgentD

21 years, 11 months ago

I back Scoleri up 100%. I have never seen the TMNT pic that you are referring to, Vince and I have been a TMNT fan for a very long time. That doesn't mean I'm an expert. I'm just saying that in all my Turtle experience I have never seen the pic you are referring to. Nor do I see the resemblance between Scoleri's style and Eastman's and Laird's.


21 years, 11 months ago

I can personally vouch that Chris did not copy an picture.

1. I helped giving suggestions for poses, ect. SO I am partly to blame.

2. I have the prelim stuff.

So basically, Chris didn't copy anybody. And I don't know how you come to teh conclusion his stuff looks like Lairds.

by Andrew_Crow

21 years, 11 months ago

Nobody said anything about copying. Vincet and myself are simply talking about similarities between Scoleri_guy's designs and other pictures.

And the creature I was posting about has only a minor resemblance to a creature from the old Sega Genesis video game COMIX ZONE (one of the best games EVER, hands-down). The creature in Comix Zone, however, was probably 4x as large, and had horns on its forehead like that of a rhinocerous (only reverse, so that the larger horn is above the smaller horn), as well as visible eyes and nose-socket.

Like I said before, excellent pics. I only wish I could be HALF as good. Maybe if I can find a scanner I'll upload some of my EGB art one day, but it's not nearly as good as anything I've seen posted here…except for maybe the Ecto-Force graphics, but those are done in PaintShop, so it's all good.


21 years, 11 months ago

It sure sounded like he was saying Scoleri_Guy copied TMNT work…