NOMAD Questions

by VincentBelmont

21 years, 11 months ago

Alright, NOMAD.

I need to ask a few questions.

1) Does NOMAD's plane have V.T.O.L.(Vertical take off and landing) capacity?
If not, I would highly suggest it. It would give you guys much more freedom of movement than having to land at a strip in the middle of nowhere.

2) How do you store captured entities? Do you keep the traps in chargers until you reach a waypoint for a dropoff and refuel, or do you have a temporary containment unit that ghosts are stored in until they are, again, dropped off at a permanent storage location?

3) This brings me to ask about an idea I was toying with. Nightsquad has a large stretch of property. I'm wondering if you are interested in having Nightsquad HQ (we no longer use a firehouse) as your U.S. “waypoint?” We could have a space set up easily to dock a carrier of your size, as well as a supply point for your travelling needs. We boast the largest Ecto containment unit in GBI (our entire basement space), and we have more than enough room.

4) For Scoleri_guy: Would you be interested in doing an art swap? What I mean is taking a hand at drawing the members of each others' franchises. I would like to see how you draw NS, as opposed to how I would draw the members of NOMAD. I think it would be a neat thing to have on our respective websites, as well as a good way to break the ice after what happened earlier this week.

5) Of course, there is always the question of working together with Nightsquad. Even though we are seperate franchises, I really would like to work close with you guys.

by Kingpin

21 years, 11 months ago

Vincent! Trading with the enemy?

No, seriously, I think this is a great idea, I sure hope Nomad and Nightsquad can forge some kind of partnership.

by Sinister

21 years, 11 months ago

Well we had asked about DOOMSdAY


21 years, 11 months ago

I'll take these questions guys

1.No, I'll explain in priavte if you want me to
2. We have a temporary storage unit in our plane.
3. I'd rather not release the details of our stationary HQ at this time. I'll tell you in private…or ask Bo
4. Ummm….Chris answer this one…
5. Bo has agreed to several crossovers with us

by VincentBelmont

21 years, 11 months ago

Huh…pretty secretive, but….okay.

by MasterSpider

21 years, 11 months ago

Whew, good thing I didn't have to answer those. Anyway, Vince, me and you work (worked) previously anyway, in a sense, I suppose , but I'd love to work with you guys. Of course, it's not a dictatorship around here, so the rest of the guys would have to agree with it, which I'm sure they would…

by Dr.Loomis

21 years, 11 months ago

Hey, I'll agree to it. It will be like when Batman and Superman got together, except Nightsquad and NOMAD won't try to kill each other lol :d


21 years, 11 months ago

Hehe It is a dictatorship! I am the dictator!

Just Kidding

by MasterSpider

21 years, 11 months ago

Haha I knew it was seriously a matter of time before you said that Ron…

by Scoleri_guy

21 years, 11 months ago

Vince, if your online later, we'll talk. I'd love to do a art swap. Plus it'd be cool to work with you guys