Great, I go away for a week and I get slagged off, miss a good chunk of voting in the (sugested) MODs and so on…
Vincent Belmont - Fanfic Mod Vince has created great work during his time here, and has prooved time and again as a valuable aid.
Sinister - Fanfic Mod/GBI Mod Iain's had a good grasp of fanfiction and it's finer points for some time, and has shown great skill with his Heat Rash story. He also has shown a true dedication in trying to bring the GBI community a little closer together, and I fell he's one of the people who can make it great…again.
Doc Fritz - Fanfic Mod/Ghostbuster Guru//Expert Well, where can I begin? I feel Fritz has created a good case for himself with his painstaking efforts to assemble the jumbled mess of GBI history. Even if the timeline is put aside, his writing is incredible.
Dr. Riddle - Ghostbusters Guru/Expert With his help in both the Omnibus Timeline and the Fact List, I fell Matthew is one of the most in the know guys I know. He's got a friendly nature I fell will go down well new members and such. He also has a great dedication for making sure troublemakers are dealt with swiftly.
Zack - Misc Guy I think Zack has prooved himself worthy of being a MOD here time and again, he's helpful, friendly and a decent guy. It's been a shame that he's had to relinquish his modship for certain reasons, but I feel he should be part of the team.
I think that's all I can think of for now, goodluck guys!