Nominate Moderators!

by M.Bison

21 years, 4 months ago

I seriously nominate myself, i dont care if ive only been here 2 days, its just like any other forums, just with Ghostbusters, i get along great with people and I love ghostbusters. Need i say more. And the only person i know of RIGHT NOW that deserves a mod job, i dont know anything else abount anybody else, is MasterSpider, iv read his work and its great

by Xenographer42

21 years, 4 months ago

I don't think that we're just like any other forums… not with weirdos like me hanging around.

Nice shootin', Tex.

by M.Bison

21 years, 4 months ago

I don't think that we're just like any other forums… not with weirdos like me hanging around.

Nice shootin', Tex.

Didnt think you were, but this is yet just another forum. There is only one difference, Ghostbusters.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 4 months ago

glad to have you aboard bison, and hey you never know btw I love your sig and av!

by Lion-O

21 years, 4 months ago

I'ed Vote for Sinister for Fan pro
cos he's a great guy and is good at that stuff
Shadow for Parnormal cos he is like the best at it
me for Misc just cos its the only real thing i spend most my time
Kingpin Genral or Misc
Dr Riddle for comic book
Back fro Props

and i cant think anymore!!!!!!

by M.Bison

21 years, 4 months ago

glad to have you aboard bison, and hey you never know btw I love your sig and av!

Thanks alot, i found the av and i made the sig pic from PSP

I almost forgot, this wouldnt be the first board i would moderate, or help with, ive done 2-3 Star Trek boards and an Anime fan forum, so i DO have exp.

EDIT (09/01/03)

I accept the nomination MasterSpider gave me in his edit in his original post.

by ChrisSpade

21 years, 4 months ago

Hey all, its been a while, lots of personal things and such, my life is like 500 percent better now, great girl, good job, Im brimming with happiness. Anywho. All you new kids around, wow, where'd everyone go? lol. I remember when I was new. Well, NOMAD, sorry guys, still not coming back, and Ill only be here a bit, sorry for whining back in the day, I appologise to those i whined at, Shadow Weaver, the guys, all yous, Im cool now. Anywho, i think ill cast some votes..

Master Spider-fellow NOMAD, if we're still around these days, great guy who is never in a bad mood, i found myself venting a few times to him, always makes ya laugh. Honestly if he isnt a mod, then I dont know who would be.

Dr. Riddle/Doc Rydale-Good man, got a personal message from him, he was gonna vote for me to be a mod, lol, many props to that, but no one wants me as a mod. I would suck at it, too biased. But I dont think he has ever done anything bad.

Well, sadly, i have forgotten the rest of you, lol. due time tho, ill remember, hey. Did Vincent Belmont ever come back from that long vacation? Lol, i dont know whats goin on anymore

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 4 months ago

River of Slime, Back, Egon's Babe, and RJ for the Ghostbusters General forum. Simply stated, this team knows their GB stuff!

The Bondo Bandit , Mellie, RJ, and Shadow Weaver for the Misc. Forum. Tim's (Bondo) a fair and level headed guy. We need more mods like him in the Misc. forum to keep the peace. Besides, he's already staked his claim as the Sig Police. Mellie would be great for having a woman's perspective on the threads and I believe she has alot to offer if she was accepted a role as a Mod. RJ has proven time and time again what it means to be a Mod. Guys like him and Zack know the ropes and their way around the boards better than anyone else. Last but not least, Shadow Weaver. He's fair, blunt, and takes no sh*t from anyone. I also trust him and he would no doubt be an intergral part to the Misc team. All 4 of these members have the qualifications of being personable and they generally love interacting with the people.

Sinister for the Paranormal Board. It makes perfect sense to have an aspiring parapsychologist and etheral investigator to run that board.

Icer Rose and Back for adm. In the beginning, this board was handed over to Icer. So far, he's shown good form in his duties as an official for the adm. Also, Back is a webmaster on his personal website. He has technical skills in web design and is a good moderator. I feel that both these men will help lead GBcentral to great heights.

by Xenographer42

21 years, 4 months ago

I second the motion to make Back eligible for the position of administrator. As Ghostheads go, he's one of the most knowledgeable, responsible, and even-tempered, and he has yet to disappoint me in anything he's done.

Also, at the risk of sounding egotistical, I may as well throw my own hat in the moderational ring as well. I'm here at least four or five times a day (sad as this may be), and read nigh-on every post I see. I've always tried to cultivate my skills as a diplomat and peacemaker, and I pride myself on my neutral worldview; I am capable of a pretty fair sense of justice and right when it concerns both inter- and intra-personal or organizational relationships. I might as well nominate myself as a moderator while I'm here.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 4 months ago

You all seem to have forgotten Back abusing his mod powers when people were speaking out against his stupid toilet humor post.