not sure where to go from here

by dronein7g

15 years, 9 months ago

Hi guys
I am working on a proton pack of my own and have been told that norms plans are not the best and to use seans plans. problem with seans plans is that they do not have a materials list and that's what im going to need in order to build the pack…… anybody wanna put up with a ton of questions from me and help a first time prop builder out? that would be great thanks a lot!
Ps. I already have a mother board made from 1/8 aluminum

by jogi82

15 years, 9 months ago

i also did my first proton pack!
i used stefans proton pack plans (more or less) wich also has no material lists!
but u can do it without! like me!

by dronein7g

15 years, 9 months ago

wanna help me out on where to start and what i will need for each part/how to assemble them¿?

by jogi82

15 years, 9 months ago

no problem!
but dont expect me builging stuff for u!
thats ur turn!

u said u have the mother board, right? thats a good start!
i did it that way:
imagine that the motherboard is ur “land” and u have to construct buildings on it; got it?!?

each of the parts for the pack represents one building, so concentrate on the seperate parts and ull get results!

for the details later u could use allready existing stuff like i did!
with this way u save time and money biulding that stuff!
ill do a video about this later!

p.s. here is something that might help u:

by dronein7g

15 years, 9 months ago

the plastics shop at my work does stuff similar to that maybe i can get them to do it for me ……

by jogi82

15 years, 9 months ago

if so, u are more lucky than i was!
because i want to use that technic in the first place, but i failed!
so mine is a massive woodcostruct and realy heavy!

but to do that vacuum forming u still need the body made of wood or an formable material that does not melt!

i woult concentrate on that first!

good luck and post some pics of ur progress!

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 9 months ago

Building a proton pack is kinda like eating a reeses cup

Theres no wrong way, or material I should say

That blue foam from lowes in the 4 x 8 sheet isnt bad to use and really sculpts easy, then you can use wood, and even plastic, I think a guy once used metal for his but i wouldnt try that

There are folks with vacume formed pack bodys for a good deal, like Javamonkey, and a couple others, I used to do vacume formed bodys but I dont no more

I went by Seans plans at too so your starting out good!

by dronein7g

15 years, 9 months ago

im not sure if i am gonna be able to do the vacuformed or not will have to wait and see ….. til then i would still like to try some hard core building and make the stuff from scratch as well i figure i will start with seans gear box sooooo anyone want to direct me in the best stuff to buy ie foam plastic wood ect….. thanks a lot !

by TyFire

15 years, 9 months ago

It sounds like your putting honest effort towards your project, which is great. Of coarse you can find this stuff out your self by going to and skimming through the forums. But I will give you a few tips, if you want to work with wood, the best is MDF. It’s a type of fiber board, it cuts great, and sands easily. Using foam would be fine as well, but as you hopefully know that spray paint melts foam, so use Bondo and spread it on the foam so paint will not melt it. And one thing that’s easy to make is the Cyclotron, the round thing with the four red lights, a normal cake pan is the perfect piece to replicate it. For the injectors on the pack, the gun handle and barrel can be made with good’ole PVC pipe. I would also suggest using Sean’s prop plans for the pack. If you have any other questions I would be glad to help, but once more holds all the information ones needs to build a pack.

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 9 months ago

Yeh have the add on/finishing parts you need along with my friend at Charles is pretty good too

I would suggest you go to a Home Depot or Lowes Hardware if your looking for material