Not your typical flight suit help do I need

by moobyghost

23 years ago

Ok guys, I am a member of GBVA and I need a flight suit. No problem you say buy one, well I can't.

I way about 400lbs. and need one custom made, again not so much of a problem as i have a sewstress genius as a friend, one problem though, she needs a patter of a flight suit to work from, I can't find one anywhere.

So does anyone know where I can get a pattern to make a flight suit from? Thanks,


by ecto-3

23 years ago

Try going here E-mail the company president because he may just have a pattern for the flightsuit, no guaruntees.

Hope this helped any. smile

by ghostbuster1000

23 years ago

Hay man go to they can custome size you a custome flight suit also they made the ones for the movie! cool hugh i have a tan one and a dark gray one from them they are awsome!

by moobyghost

23 years ago

i cant afford that, i can barely afford the 5x suit for 80 and dickies 4 and i dont know if the 5x will fit me

150 is alot to pay to me, i am broke becuase i am trying to get disability to get a surgery.

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by Ghostbuster505

23 years ago

I know at wal-mart, when I was with my mom, I've seen patterns for coveralls, mabey that will work for what you need, they had like a flight suit, coveralls, and overalls. Good luck.

by moobyghost

23 years ago

I was in wal mart a couple weeks back, the closest thing i could find was a mechanics suit, which could be turned into a flightsuit, i picked it up, but i grabed a medium size onw, and i need to see what the largest they have is, plus the material would cost me 45 for the fabric.

damn not having money sucks, for 15 more dollors i could have a real 5 x flightsuit, so if i find out the mesuremnt on that maybe it will fit, i dont know.

thanks for the support