Nothing cool for kids today

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 12 months ago

(Takes out his dentures)

We're only as old as we feel…..

by Ghostbuster4evr

22 years, 12 months ago

(Adjusts glassess)
In my day (1988), there was no bigger pleasure than to watch the Real Ghostbusters on TV. My younger brother was a major TMNT fan, and that caused alot of arguments, but I always won in the end. The films were, and still are, ritually watched, whenever I am sick or on a rainy day, I'll turn on Ghostbusters, watch that, then tune into Ghostbusters II.
Those were happy memories, and as I reach the age of 17, I look back. And then look at today. Now the only things that are cool today are imitating wrestlers and playing a little thing called Pokemon, a copycat of what Ghostbusters was and is. My brother is now into this completely, but I am still the same as I was fourteen years ago.

by Krueger

22 years, 11 months ago

With the exception from The Simpsons, mostly cartoon series today are lousy. Get rid of Pokémon and Southpark, Ghostbusters will always rule!!!!!!

by GBSlimerFan

22 years, 11 months ago

My 7 year old nephew likes a whole bunch of stuff, But he is also into Ghostbusters(thanks to me) When I get my new RGB or EGB cartoons in I have him watch them with me. They should replay them all again. I am 17 and I've always watched that movie 3-4 times a year, but now its like 2 times a month(both movies)Ghostbusters rules and always will!!!


by Earthquake

22 years, 11 months ago

WWF was cool.

If you didn't get it, read the name.

by bigdrew84

22 years, 11 months ago

I know there is nothing on TV because even though I am 18, I still watch saturday morning cartoons. There is nothing on that uses imagination, a word no one can seem to quite grasp. Ghostbusters were originals. They used ideas that are still awesome today. I feel in love with science after watching the show. It perfectly explains how protons and neutrons and electrons work. I learned so much from that show. Even TMNT was original along with Transformers. Now the only thing on are Power rangers and their spin offs, and their spin off, and spin offs of spin off and reruns.

by bigdrew84

22 years, 11 months ago

I know there is nothing on TV because even though I am 18, I still watch saturday morning cartoons. There is nothing on that uses imagination, a word no one can seem to quite grasp. Ghostbusters were originals. They used ideas that are still awesome today. I feel in love with science after watching the show. It perfectly explains how protons and neutrons and electrons work. I learned so much from that show. Even TMNT was original along with Transformers. Now the only thing on are Power rangers and their spin offs, and their spin off, and spin offs of spin off and reruns.

by Slimer2002

22 years, 11 months ago

every body don't forget to send a petition note. for more info go to the top

by Ghostbuster505

22 years, 11 months ago

I agree, I remember getting up, grabbing my ghostbusters action figures and watching ghostbuster cartoons. Those were the days.

by drugasbuster

22 years, 11 months ago

I agree