by spookcentral1

17 years ago

As I was looking over my old journal entries for the Legion hardcover, I came across my review of the Legion series (more like notes in a list form) that I posted when the fourth book was finally released in January 2005.

One of my comments was: “Someone remind me one day to start a website.” Of course, I meant this jokingly. As I type this now I don't even remember what in the book this was in reference to.

Just out of curiosity, tonight I typed that address into my browser and sure enough there's a site there. It's just a one page parking space, but what it shows and says made me laugh:

(Hidden under the date shown on the page is the text “Ghostbusters 3” in the same color as the background. The date displayed is dynamic, but the year “2007” is static.)

Obviously whoever created it is a Ghostbusters fan and read the Legion books. A WHOIS search tells me the domain owner is James Saunders in Great Britain. The name doesn't ring a bell. Anyone know if he's a known member of the online community? Too bad he's not doing anything really cool with the domain/site.

by Nix

17 years ago

It sounds more like one of Charles Foster Hearse's magazines, like Spooks Illustrated. :-)