15 years, 9 months ago
15 years, 9 months ago
15 years, 9 months ago
It's rare now we see any local multiplayer with A.I. I haven't founda gfame with that since Medal of Hour rising sun on PS2
I'm in the position of not having online and am hoping, despite all the reports and reviews, there's atleast SOME local multiplayer option. Even a co-op story/campaign mode would have made the game worth atleast a few more run throughs. I don't mind having to rely on a friend for some multiplayer just aslong as it's split screen local play which i'm still not sure is a feature.
15 years, 9 months ago
15 years, 9 months ago
15 years, 9 months ago
Great, so there is nothing you can do other than story mode. Finally a Ghostbusters game is here, and I cant even play as a Ghostbuster.
I dont get it. Why is it so difficult to just play 1-player these days? Ya dont NEED someone else to catch Slimer and do some of those other challenges. I mean like Mortal Kombat for example, you could do cart racing, etc on your own in the other modes. The 2nd Buffy game, some of the other modes were only for you AND a freind and then others YOU could do on your own. This is still a console game, so much majority shouldnt be on-line exclusive, this isnt World of Warcraft. To think after 5-8 hours I can do everything in the game with nothing else left to explore, as in all those other modes that are just left to sit there, doesnt quite keep me as hyped up anymore…
15 years, 9 months ago
15 years, 9 months ago
ParkBench;146712But that would ruin the whole GB exp. The point of them (The devs) doing it this way is, so we could get an “outsiders perspective” of what it is like to be a GB. We already know the story of the original GB as a team, now it's time get the exp first-hand from the “outside” so to speak. Playing as “the rookie” also helps the players (us) immerse themselves into the story better.(*peter)
Thats the whole thing though, I dont care about split screen or playing with someone else, just 1-player on your own catching slimer, containment, etc mode, so you can play as the 4 guys solo.
15 years, 9 months ago
Gears of War 2 actually has at least capable, and sometimes downright awsome AI. *Looks at Ben Carmine.*
But anyway: It's actually been said by someone(TR?) that the 360/PS3 version will have NO local play. Split-screen/Lan Story/random busting are all online only.
But the WII version has camaign co-op.
15 years, 9 months ago