Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, but they also don't have the original voice actors yet in development. Right now its only placeholders so I'm sure we can count on placeholders for other sounds in addition to tweaks and such.

by lordvego1

17 years, 3 months ago

I thought they did have the voice actors on definitely. It totally says that in the article somewheres.

by robbritton

17 years, 3 months ago

i'm quite fond of the little nod to Frank Welker's slimer voice! (the first time you see him in the corridor in the gameplay footage, just as he flies away)

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

They do, what I mean is that they haven't gotten them to record their voices yet, so they have sound alikes right now so they can get the humour and interactions just right for the storyline.

The actors won't start voice work until January according to Ernie Hudson.

I like the little nod too, but heh, knowing him, Frank Welker might actually do the sounds for Slimer.

You all think it look cool now, but if you haven't already, listen to it with the Ghostbusters theme playing.

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago


My only complaint is the sound effects when you fire the wand doesn't really match the movie versions. Still sounds close, but other than that, FANTASTIC!

P.S. Please still respond to my questions, Skankerzero!

The effects seemed fine to me, the thing to keep in mind that the effects have to made for longer sequences then those seen in the movie… and whilst some particle stream effects were found by one of the members of Proptopia, there's always the possibility that after 23 years after the movie was produced, the original proton stream sound effects have been lost or are no longer usable.

by lordvego1

17 years, 3 months ago

Ah, I see what you mean now, Kalonthar.

I don't think Welker would do the voice if they are going to be doing this in the movie way, however he will probably be doing at least every additional voice in the background with Billy West.

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! Friggin awesome! Sweet!

I flew through all the pages and links and aaaaaaaaaaah.

Whats with the job applications? For FX crew or ?


Too much awesomeness.


They even put the cake in the ballroom scene. THE CAKE!

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 3 months ago

Well I am glad this is out. Now big question:

IF this the “sequel”, then why the GB 1 remake in the game? Do we play the other movies AND a new story? Just wondering. I got into the DBZ games and that got old, just playing the same stories you watched in the shows. I don't mean anything against the whole “recreate the first movie”, hell that slimer scene is all over my arm in my Tattoo, but I hope there is more than just reliving the films.

by Ectofiend

17 years, 3 months ago

*Before I say anything, I want to remind you guys that I'm about PEEING MY PANTS that this game is in development, and am MORE THAN GRATEFULL that the original cast is involved, AND that great care has been put into making this thing as “GB-Accurate” as possible…And I also realize that this game is about a YEAR OFF, and is still in the “development stages”.

*Now having said that, here are my asthetic gripes about the game thus far [WARNING: BIIIIGGGG PICTURES]:

*Top Pictures Are Game Footage, Bottom Are Reference Photos Or Screen Shots, Barring The “Ecto” Picture Which Is A Replica.*

1]The Beams: The “electric blue” charge is suppossed to wrap around the beam itself, ala let's say, Spider-Man's webbing , with LITTLE of it separating from the beam. Here it's flying ALL OVER THE PLACE.
2]The Right Hand Side Of The Pack : It's suppossed to have the “rail” detail and the metal “shank” for the “particle thrower” to sit on when not in use…Here we have some weird flashing lights in it's place…Anyone EVER remember seeing those in the movies?
3]The Way The Particle Thrower Faces When Hooked To The Pack: I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
4]The “Ectomobile” Or “Ecto-1”: I KNOW this is suppossed to take place after GBII, and it recalls the “Ecto-1A” as such…However it reminds me of that GAWDY “Ecto-Replica” from a few years back [See Picture]. I prefer the classic vehicle.

*And then we have THIS:

*Again I'll let the pictures do the talking. (*egon) …RGB this is NOT…Not even a GOOD “stylized movie approach” IMHO.

*Well there you have it…My gripes thus far…Otherwise this has GOT to be the most F*'ing AWESOME THING ON EARTH!! (*peter) :-) …


by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

I hadn't seen the cartoony style yet, but I don't even care, thats fine. I mean, that technically makes 2 games for me to play. AH!

Tell me…TELL ME, we can create our own character as the 5th GB and he's not just a random dude ala GTA3.