Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by ronal_052

15 years, 9 months ago

oh nooo, there was a really big big spoiler:-(

by demonaz

15 years, 9 months ago

HUGE SPOILER…although it is very much alluded to we get the idea, that video gotz da spoilz


15 years, 9 months ago

It is true this man has no dick !!!!

Not Again Wow great footage

I cant wait for this game

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

I guess that is our answer for the ECU

by EggoBot

15 years, 9 months ago

GiantBomb have put up a ‘quick look’ video of the game. They spend most of the video playing the Times square level but the last 5 minutes of the video is them walking around the Firehouse:

by robbritton

15 years, 9 months ago

oh nooo, there was a really big big spoiler:-(

Ah man, I went for the spoiler and I can live with it.

This is the first time it really felt like I was watching a new Ghostbusters movie though. Shivers down my spine and all that.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 9 months ago

One of those last videos also shows that the rookie does not always have the proton pack on while in the firehouse

by heslimedme251

15 years, 9 months ago

Love the museum clip, I can already work out how to get the “You never studied!” achievement.

It looks fantastic, and the whole watching the TV thing had me laughing. It definetly feels like Ghostbusters. Can't wait for it now, and I'm still holding out hope that the US version isn't region encoded can anyone remember the link where the store tests out the game and tells you whether it's region free or not…so I can keep an eye on it. Otherwise I'm gonna have to play through on the PS2 version until this “timed-exclusive” thing finishes.

Favourite line has to be from Venkman:
“I always figured Peck for a bureaucratic pencil pushing prick, but not an evil occultist!”

by jpwhittlebred

15 years, 9 months ago

Regarding the video posted by TaxiCabFloor: Awesome! Now, is it me (and I have been pretty obsessive as of late), but are some of those scenes toward the beginning outdated? There seems to be an inconsistency of this museum scene. There are videos I've seen around (can't remember which ones) that show the animation a little crisper. Such as the “Well, more overtime” scene in this vid only shows Venkman's shoulders up to his face, where as some other videos show his full body. Also, the scene that the Busters are firing toward the camera, the animation of the proton beams are kinda wonky, but in other vids, they are much better. Finally (sorry for the rambling), the ghost (I can only assume it's the spirit of Ivo Shandor) is more a more colorful mix in othre videos, where this he is a dull gray tones. Has anyone else noticed these, or am I crazy? What does everyone think?