Regarding the video posted by TaxiCabFloor: Awesome! Now, is it me (and I have been pretty obsessive as of late), but are some of those scenes toward the beginning outdated? There seems to be an inconsistency of this museum scene. There are videos I've seen around (can't remember which ones) that show the animation a little crisper. Such as the “Well, more overtime” scene in this vid only shows Venkman's shoulders up to his face, where as some other videos show his full body. Also, the scene that the Busters are firing toward the camera, the animation of the proton beams are kinda wonky, but in other vids, they are much better. Finally (sorry for the rambling), the ghost (I can only assume it's the spirit of Ivo Shandor) is more a more colorful mix in othre videos, where this he is a dull gray tones. Has anyone else noticed these, or am I crazy? What does everyone think?