Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by HannibalKing

15 years, 9 months ago

Jonathan Archer;145071
Sorry, Dan and Harold did right the script for the game, like it was said, you must be thinking about the supposed GB 3 movie.

They are clearly talking about the game in that article, not the supposed GB3 movie. Not that Dan and Harold didn't write it, because they most certainly helped quite a bit in the writing when they did re-writes on the script, but I want to give the people at TR who wrote it before it was rewritten some credit.

by justinmarkus

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;145087
Actually, both Harold and Dan wrote the game script.

As it says in the credits of the game.

Actually, it says right in the article:
The game is being hawked by Atari as having been written by Mr. Aykroyd and Mr. Ramis, but both men, in addition to the real writers at Terminal Reality, readily acknowledge that is mostly marketing bunk. “They were happy to have our involvement at all,” Mr. Ramis said.

The game was written by the guys at TR but it received it's “Polish” (as Aykroyd has stated himself) from them.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

Actually, it says right in the article:
The game was written by the guys at TR but it received it's “Polish” (as Aykroyd has stated himself) from them.

If it is not written by Dan, then it is not canon. Pure and simple. Receiving a “polish” does not mean “made by the original artist.”

So this game is not canon, as no one is going to take it as is anyway.

Why do I have a feeling that if a third movie is made, the game is going to get blown off all together. Something a lot of professionals fail to neglect. The games and the movies do not interact too well. In fact, sequels and prequels do not interact to well either.

In the movie X-men origins Wolverine, it says Cyclops met Wolverine before, now in the first movie they never met at all before.

So such a mistake on movie makers parts is getting more and more abundant in today's standards.

Oh one last things, some might say “but how can you say what is canon and what isn't?” Well, some don't look at Indy 4 as art of the canon and yet it was made by the Spielberg and Lucas.

So whatever.

by winston18

15 years, 9 months ago

This game is definitely canon, Aykroyd himself sees it as the third movie/story whatever plus Aykroyd has said that the screenwriters have been looking at the game and the game will influence the script. Plus what if GB3 was made and not written by Aykroyd and Ramis (the way it looks like it will be right now) then it wouldn't be canon? If Aykroyd considers this canon then I consider it canon.

by rodie1

15 years, 9 months ago

Scott Sommer;145149
If it is not written by Dan, then it is not canon.

So you're saying that Ghostbusters 3 (if made) won't be considered canon because it was written by someone else? If the creator doesn't write it but DOES say it is canon (as Dan has always said he looks at this as third film) than it should be considered canon, plain and simple. Especially as he has touched up the script and been available through the whole process of creating the game, providing likeness, voice, and other input. And honestly who cares what people “consider” this game. If people do or don't want to consider it canon than that is their business. I mean it is a video game after all, so I wouldn't expect this too be heavily referenced in GB3, but then again I wouldn't expect the first two films to be heavily referenced either.

In the movie X-men origins Wolverine, it says Cyclops met Wolverine before, now in the first movie they never met at all before.

Had to address this too. This may be kind of spoilery if anyone else reads this. Anyway, while Cyclops was captured he was blindfolded or had his eyes closed the entire time, so he couldn't see what was happening. As for Wolverine, well his memory was erased at the end of the film. So they met 10ish years later, without realizing that they'd already ‘met’ in a way. As a matter of fact, I don't think the two of them even came into contact in the Wolverine film.

by JonXCTrack

15 years, 9 months ago

The fact that the game got the blessing from the creator of Ghostbusters, the writers of the first two films provided edits to bring authenticity to the dialogue AND Murray was willing to jump on board is a solid indicator that this is a “true thematic sequel” to the original film. And until I see a trailer for Ghostbusters 3, I'm not holding my breath that it will actually happen. As far as I'm concerned, GB:TVG is the third movie.

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 9 months ago

Well the way I see it is as follows, if GB 3 does not start filming this winter as Dan hopes, then the game is GB 3, if it does, then I see it as GB 2.5.3 + 0

by ParkBench

15 years, 9 months ago

The original guys are all back right? Cannon to me.

I dont consider the last two Terminator movies cannon or much of anything, but if James Cameron was directly connected like Dan and Harold, then I'd have to consider it cannon anyway.

by Bladex_2004

15 years, 9 months ago

In the words of Dana Barrett
“ I didnt paint it, Iam just cleaning it”
Just use that in the context of who wrote the script

by LawgSkrak

15 years, 9 months ago

So if the game is canon (YAY!) does that mean “Return of the Ghostbusters” is canon? I mean, there is a crayon drawing hanging on the wall in one part of the game that says “To Uncle Egon, from Ed.”