It got pretty crazy over here, though no actual tornado near TRI (there was a very small one in Flowermound). There was a destroyed wall of an apartment building and a destroyed roof but our area wasn't bad (compared to other areas).
Kind of funny but I had got home and heard a big storm with hail was coming so the wife and I ordered Chinese food because we just didn't want to deal with that. About five minutes after I placed the order we're watching TV, we start hearing far away sirens, and then the whole hoopla about all the storms came on the TV.
So we're huddled in the closet with the
Love Sac at the ready to pull over us should the worst happen, the parents are calling me freaking out, I have my TV turned up loud so I can hear it inside the closet, and I suddenly hear a pounding on my front door (and this was during the worst part too when if there was going to be a tornado, that's when it would be).
I get to the front door and finally see how crazy outside it is (because I wasn't going near a window during any of that) and there stands the Chinese food delivery guy. I look at him like he's crazy for a moment, offer him chance to take shelter with us, and he denies it and just has me pay for the food because he had more deliveries to do! I felt terrible and honestly thought they just wouldn't deliver until the worst was over. Needless to say, he at least got a huge tip.
Anyways, haven't heard of anyone being hurt and haven't read about any deaths or missing so assume we're OK. Thanks for asking! Lets just hope Monday and Tuesday are better weather. ;-)
::hands things back over to Skanker and enters lurker mode again::