I don't know why. Seems to me they're looking at the game through rose tinted glasses because the gameplay has so many faults its unbelievable.
To each his own, but I will say this. I have a friend who has ADHD and who has never been a Ghostbusters fan. He has seem the first movie, but is nothing like like or any of us. In fact he could care less about the game. His ADHD makes him very fickle when it comes to games as he is easily bored with them all the time.
I asked him if he could just listen to me just once, that he should pick up this game. He sad he would and he did. He picked up the 360 version just 2 days after me and he started playing. He has not put it down yet. Even when I play with him on another game, he tells me he is eager when we can play Ghostbusters again.
I don't see any faults with the game play, in fact my friend said it is far superior to that of Gears of War. The graphics are awesome in that they have their own style and grace. They are also scary at times and awesome. Nothing less can be expected from Ghostbusters.
It both feels and is a Ghostbusters game. A real one.