Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by RoyKarrde

15 years, 8 months ago

I don't know if this has been posted and I am sorry if it has, but Major Nelson ( A Microsoft Spokesperson ) has posted the original Masters from the Ghostbusters Video Game, given to him straight from Terminal Reality onto his blog.

by ParkBench

15 years, 8 months ago

I wont pay for a Live account, just not worth it for me, but is there a way to do a free trial of it?

I'll try it for the GB game sake, I do wanna at least know I tried the modes out. Hopefully a single player version is on the way to download thats good to keep on the console of at least one of those modes or something similar.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 8 months ago

I wont pay for a Live account, just not worth it for me, but is there a way to do a free trial of it?

I'll try it for the GB game sake, I do wanna at least know I tried the modes out. Hopefully a single player version is on the way to download thats good to keep on the console of at least one of those modes or something similar.

If you lived in England (at least i think it's only localised there) you can try Gold for a quid. That's £1, I mean it's worth it for that…although it's worth it, IMO, for a fiver a month too. If you've bought a new Xbox then the first time you make an account you get a month free, otherwise you have to pay.

by RoyKarrde

15 years, 8 months ago

I believe there is either a 48 hour or 1 month free trial you get when you first sign up for the X Box Live Silver account. Either way its enough to atleast try it out right?

by lionheart1

15 years, 8 months ago

Dear everyone who plays on Xbox Live that I have played with randomly online: If you rapidly slam a ghost until it goes into a trap… I AM SWEARING AT YOU ON THE OTHER END OF THE INTERNET. The best is when I'm wrangling a ghost and it's getting sucked into a trap and some jerk latches on and slams him AWAY from being caught because they want to catch all the ghosts in their own traps. Do you even get more money if a ghost goes in a trap you threw out? From what I've noticed when playing with my friends, you don't. It just counts for that “My Ghosts, My Trap!” award AFAIK.

Please note: Everyone I've played with from here has been really awesome and we all worked as a team when playing and it was a lot of fun… but jeez… these random people I encounter on Live are so out for themselves. They won't even help you up when you get knocked down and they're standing right next to you. I realize there are rankings at the end of a match, but really, they don't matter that much and nobody thinks you're good at the game if you're in first and you played like a jerk.

by ParkBench

15 years, 8 months ago

Maybe I missed it and I'll feel stupid after…but whatever happened to the Ghost at the beginning at the Museum? Did we ever fight it…the one that created that blue ghost cloud surge?

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

I found so far the online players are pretty good about helping me up when Im down, and I always try to run over to help when possible.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 8 months ago

Just had a quick question really, but didn't feel the need to start a thread for it.

Has anyone else tried playing the ps3/360/pc version with the targeting reticule turned off? I have and i must say, it adds an even greater sense that you're taking in a 3rd movie as it removes pretty much everything from the screen. It also adds a bit more of a challenge too because you need to look at your proton pack more (ghosts life). The only down side I found playin like this was the slime tethering could be awkward at times.

Normaly i could never play with out a reticule, but since you're firing what is essentially a laser beam, you can see easily enough where you're firing.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 8 months ago

Just had a quick question really, but didn't feel the need to start a thread for it.

Has anyone else tried playing the ps3/360/pc version with the targeting reticule turned off? I have and i must say, it adds an even greater sense that you're taking in a 3rd movie as it removes pretty much everything from the screen. It also adds a bit more of a challenge too because you need to look at your proton pack more (ghosts life). The only down side I found playin like this was the slime tethering could be awkward at times.

Normaly i could never play with out a reticule, but since you're firing what is essentially a laser beam, you can see easily enough where you're firing.

Not only tried, I did it on my 2nd run thorough on the campaign on Pro.

by Buckynohair

15 years, 8 months ago

It's great isn't it? lol. Glad to hear i'm not the only one who tried it. Makes such a difference too.