Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by matthew1

17 years, 3 months ago

They won't be able to make it look as good as ps3/360/pc vasions but they could still acheive a realistic look on the ps2 which would be better than this cartoon look. it's probably because sony want the ps2 owners to buy ps3s

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

*Conatinment Unit? - I'm confused.

What's there to be confused about. I type fast and usually edit the messages too many times after I posted them so I mis-typed Containment Unit as Conatinment.

But now that you said it.. its the Conan-Tainment Unit.

In all seriousness though, it says “once Slimer escapes from the Containment Unit he makes a bee-line for the place with the best buffet in town” so apparantly Slimer starts the game trapped in the containment unit.

I believe the Containment Unit reference relates to it being shut down by Peck, however then that contravenes his whereabouts in Ghostbusters II

however, his being at the Firehouse in the second film was down to being inspired by the cartoon… so maybe the guys at Vivendi have decided to stricken the cartoon inspired stuff?

As for the Firehouse doors, while I would miss the classic ‘barn door’ style ones I admit I wouldn't mind the shutter as it's an understandable upgrade.

With that said, the Firehouse used for the official site may not reflect the final design of how it'll appear in the game. Although whilst Real and Extreme Ghostbusters are considered part of the official canon, the first cartoon was referenced, but never actually said to be canon with the movies as obviously whilst the Ghostbusters were busting without stopping from 1986 to 1992 in the cartoon universe, they'd taken a five year hiatus from 1984 to 1989 in the film universe.

I do like the inclusion of the red warning lights from Hook & Ladder 8 however, I think that actually makes a lot of sense given that Ecto-1 will be tearing out of the Firehouse at a moment's notice.

how about a petition to use the ecto-1 from ghostbusters and not the one from ghostbusters 2. i was never a fan of the yellow stripes down the side.

Technically speaking, it is Ecto-1 from Ghostbusters, the equipment is 95% identical to how it appeared in 1984, but with a few minor additions. The car just happens to have been given the commercial graphics of the Ecto-1A… and I actually quite like that idea.

GB3, it's not a rehash of the old movies… but surely you can see the fun and appeal in being able to fight some of the classic bad guys from the first film? As for animation, keep it in mind it's still a bit less than a year from full release.

by robertknippels1

17 years, 3 months ago

I like what they have done with the car. I also love the style of the game it give me that eigties feeling. I am also wondering if we will see tools like the sniffer in the game. I also love the mix with humour and horror moments in it. Ghosts that can appear everywhere even at places where you don't expect them. I love the image where Egon is firing at a shark. Looks like ghostbusters meet jaws.

Best regards,


by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

Few things.

So, there will be one game, but two different versions ie Cartoony vs real, but with the same plotline, enemies and such?

While I don't mind the extra lights of the Ecto 1A, its the caution tape that bugs me.

I don't suppose we can push or hint or suggest that we get the chance to drive Ecto?

And I won't even suggest Ecto 2….(muwhahah)

by matthew1

17 years, 3 months ago

I'm more concerned about the game mechanics than anything else.

Can the player control Venkman, Zeddmore, Stanz and Spengler as well as the new member of the team? If so, will they be fully contrllable or will the only be able to give them orders?

Will it be possible to change the proton stream?

Will we be able to drive the Ecto 1/Ecto 1 A?

How will trapping work? Personally I think that a trap target which the player must move into position along the ground and under the ghost would will work best.

Will the business side/ money making aspect feature in the game as a different mode of play perhaps?

by Ectofiend

17 years, 3 months ago

Kalonthar Wrote:
I'm sure in the RGB/EGB continuity, the RGBs never used the GB2 logo or had the Ecto-1A design. Besides, EGB is canon to the RGB continuity, not the films.

Kingpin Wrote:
the first cartoon was referenced, but never actually said to be canon with the movies as obviously whilst the Ghostbusters were busting without stopping from 1986 to 1992 in the cartoon universe, they'd taken a five year hiatus from 1984 to 1989 in the film universe.

*While they did try to explain to the audience that “Ghostbusters 1984” was “just a movie”, the events that transpired IN the “movie” happened to them , as well as “Ghostbusters II 1989” where they fought Vigo …

*It is common knowledge that the “Take Two” ep was made, in-part, to “screw” with the audience…I have the “Starlog” #111 to prove it [And it's

neatly transcribed for you here:

*So, if you look at it from that perspective , it's all relative and CANON…And you have to realize that “The Real Ghostbusters” happened over the course of 140 eps, and SEVEN SEASONS, meaning that our “real time” wasn't relative to theirs, in-series…So in their reality it could have been only a year or two…

*I mean look at “The Simpsons” - It's been on for 17 YEARS, and NOTHING'S really changed - Ages, life status, characters, ect. - With little deviation…So their “reality” is skewed compared to ours…

*So “The Real Ghostbusters”, despite it's few “animated descrepancies” to the movies, fits neatly inbetween the two movies, despite how one's affection for one or the other goes…

*Annnnnnnd - It was never mentioned what year GBII was in, IN the movie itself…The TRAILER is quoted as “the last decade of the 20th Century”, so in all honesty - That would be the ‘90’S and not the ‘80’s anyways…

*And to tell the truth, I prefer the movies…But I still love the series, and don't discount it's events as such…Only some of the more sillier ones…

*Like the entire “Slimer!” set of “shorts” with Dweeb…As “cute” as they are - UGH.



17 years, 3 months ago

This is extremely awesome! I'm really excited for this game to be released; I can't wait to play it. I'm definitely getting this game when it's released, and I hope there is a special edition version for the Xbox 360. The game looks amazing so far. The screenshots and game footage look really amazing! I definitely need to get that Game Informer issue with the Ghostbusters game coverage. This is great news; I'm so glad this Ghostbusters game is being made.

by matthew1

17 years, 3 months ago

Sorry I can't create a link due to my wii limitations but there are some newly posted videos on youtube. Just search for “ghostbusters game” and you see them in the page listing. One is an interview but it's in german.

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

To me, just because the events in the films happened to the RGBs doesn't mean the events in the cartoon happened to the film's Ghostbusters. Of course, I tend to look at them as alternate realities.

It's a lot like Star Wars and the Expanded Universe, well, except we know how the creator of the franchise feels. To him, the Expanded Universe is more of an alternate reality. He may borrow some stuff that he likes from the EU, but in his mind, only the movies are canon. I don't believe we actually know what Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis' feelings are, but I'm sure if it hasn't been asked, it would be a good question.

Either way, what matters is our own opinions and we can choose to think what we want to think and quite frankly, I think it's great that we all have different ideas of what we consider to be canon and apart of the universes.

by lordvego1

17 years, 3 months ago

There's a whole lot of discussion about the Wii/PS2 version that I'm jus tnot in the mood to read because it is too long, and I have an incredibly short attention span today. I will just say this: perhaps for wii, we will get both game versions?