Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

Other things I want to see in the game, since this is pretty much Ghostbusters 3:

LOTS of interviews. Cast/voice interviews, motion capture sessions, a BIG interview with Ackroyd and Ramis on how they got this project off the ground, and why it became a game. Concept art would be cool too.

For Wii/PS3/360, I want to see the Sega Genesis Ghostbusters game, and the original 1984 game available for download via each console's service to coincide with the release of the game.

While interviews would be interesting, I don't see any reason to include the games. We all know where to find those games online, its pointless to add that.

No offense intended, I just don't want it on there and would rather they work on the game more than the extras as far as minigames go.

Infact, I'm even sorry I said anything, if you'd told me 4 days ago I would be arguing over whether or not to put in a mini game in a kickass GB3 video game, I'd laugh. And doing so, I laugh….I'm still just so happy.

by ViolentG

17 years, 3 months ago

I'm with everyone else. Game looks absolutely awesome/wet my pants with excitement/best time of my life etc etc. However - seeing as it's alleged some of the games producers or whatever hang around the forum (or certainly keep the proverbial eye on it) I thought i'd chuck in my two pence' worth for things I do NOT want to see in the game!

1. Multiple ghosts of the same design.
No. Just no. The original Master System/Mega Drive etc versions had the guys running round busting Slimers left, right and centre. In the movie, there was one Slimer. He got busted once. That's it. He didn't keep getting busted over and over and over. I'm crossing my fingers and toes there'll be actual variety in the game - if I have to trap more than one Slimer, the game goes in the bin. Full stop. Repetition and lazyness sucks.

2. The trap/crossing the streams.
As the game looks to be based on the movie(s), in said movies using the ghost trap was a monumental event. You did NOT look at the trap, and every time someone used it, it was like a mini atomic bomb going off - the room lit up, everything went white, and there was this awe-inspiring SLURP and electronic ZAP as the ghost was sucked into the trap. As such, is it not possible to make the trap in the games like this also? Bright, powerful - how awesome would it be to introduce that dazed/dazzled effect on your character, so if they look into the trap, things go blurry for a few seconds? Same sort of thing with crossing the streams. Again, cataclysmic, monumental event. If it's going to be in the game, let's keep it real to the films - crossing the streams is bad.

3. The Ecto.
If we can run as the guys, bust ghosts, blast the Stay Puft man - surely we can drive the car too? Even on a limited level or two - with concentrated effort going into the traffic and scenery, you could have the most awesome driving experience. Maybe even throw in a couple of cop cars too for extra-crazyness - so there's more than one emergency service rushing to the scene. The GB's overtaking cop-cars, dodging taxis and freaked out pedestrians, with sirens blaring and lights flashing. Awesome or what? (And if we do the lights - can we make them actual proper rotating halogens like in the film? Not that ridiculous “glowing pulse” lightbar that the GTA cop cars have?)

That's about all I can think of for now. But I think they're pretty valid points.

by doctorvenkman1

17 years, 3 months ago

Why in the world would the GBs take over cop cars? They're car has sirens, they can just use the Ecto.

And btw, it was funny. Your post says things you do NOT want to see. And you list Ecto-1 as the third, but you meant to put “Not driving Ecto-1”. lol

EDIT: Nevermind, I just realized you meant overtaking them as in driving past them in traffic.

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman
Why in the world would the GBs take over cop cars? They're car has sirens, they can just use the Ecto.

And btw, it was funny. Your post says things you do NOT want to see. And you list Ecto-1 as the third, but you meant to put “Not driving Ecto-1”. lol

EDIT: Nevermind, I just realized you meant overtaking them as in driving past them in traffic.

I believe he meant, throw in cop cars rushing to the scene in any possible Ecto-1 drive levels. Not that you'd commandeer a NYPD squad car, but you'd pass them as you drove to a scene of a bust.

by ViolentG

17 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman
EDIT: Nevermind, I just realized you meant overtaking them as in driving past them in traffic.

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

A much better copy of the G4 footage, compliments of Ectofiend:

G4 Ghostbusters gameplay footage

by GuyCC

17 years, 3 months ago

Other things I want to see in the game, since this is pretty much Ghostbusters 3:

LOTS of interviews. Cast/voice interviews, motion capture sessions, a BIG interview with Ackroyd and Ramis on how they got this project off the ground, and why it became a game. Concept art would be cool too.

For Wii/PS3/360, I want to see the Sega Genesis Ghostbusters game, and the original 1984 game available for download via each console's service to coincide with the release of the game.

While interviews would be interesting, I don't see any reason to include the games. We all know where to find those games online, its pointless to add that.

No offense intended, I just don't want it on there and would rather they work on the game more than the extras as far as minigames go.

Infact, I'm even sorry I said anything, if you'd told me 4 days ago I would be arguing over whether or not to put in a mini game in a kickass GB3 video game, I'd laugh. And doing so, I laugh….I'm still just so happy.

Heh. No worries. I meant like more from Xbox Live and the Virtual Console sort of thing. The game developers don't have to include it IN game, but seeing the systems release it for their respective download services to coincide would just be icing on the cake, no?

I probably should have clarified that better, but I want to gaming community to treat this game as a big deal…. Because it pretty much is.

by secrecyguy

17 years, 3 months ago

I just heard the people behind the game is hanging out here. That's cool!

I can't think of any suggestions I could give to you guys. Just don't make it suck though. That's all I ask.

Now my question, I notice you made few changes to the proton pack by adding lights to the right side of the proton pack. I just wondering what other changes did you made? Can we see close up pictures of different parts of the proton pack?


by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

I just heard the people behind the game is hanging out here. That's cool!

I can't think of any suggestions I could give to you guys. Just don't make it suck though. That's all I ask.

Now my question, I notice you made few changes to the proton pack by adding lights to the right side of the proton pack. I just wondering what other changes did you made? Can we see close up pictures of different parts of the proton pack?


That actually brings up a good opportunity to mention this. Skankerzero wanted it known that he probably won't be answering any more questions until he knows he's allowed to do so, he will keep watching the forums but probably won't be posting much for the forseeable future.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 3 months ago

I can safely say I'm glad I have a 360.