Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by ecto_plasmic1

17 years, 3 months ago

Peter Venkmen
is it me or the one with Ray in the sewer looks like it's cut out from the GB2 Poster. lol.

Hmm…he's wearing a slime blower lol.


by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 3 months ago

I'm impressed with all those screenshots and pre-production art. Really renforces the fact that their putting a lot of effort into this.

by heslimedme251

17 years, 3 months ago

Alot of them images are concept art, something put together by an artist to show the mood and look that they want to aim for, so things will be cut and pasted. Some of them shots I recognise from other games and such…I'm sure the alternate dimension looks alot like a weird level in The Path Of Neo.

Like the concept though, it does look dark but still has that GB feel.

by batman2

17 years, 3 months ago

Very cool pics.

by Pandamar

17 years, 3 months ago

by matthew1

17 years, 3 months ago

The artwork is fantastic!!

Well done so far to Terminal Reality (I get the feeling one or two of you are still visiting this thread even if you're not posting). Well done!!

I'd like to talk about the control system and game mechanics regarding the trapping of the ghosts. I see from the game footage (which is spectacular) that at one point Egon is firing at the ghost, manuvers the ghost over the an already laid trap, the trap opens and the ghost is sucked up. I've also read in the Game Informer article that the trapping is done by “slam dunking”the ghosts inside the trap and that the better you slam dunk the better you do.

While I don't have an issue with the slam dunk system I would like you to take on board my thoughts on how the trap should be laid on the ground.

There are two ways you can lay a trap. You can either lay a trap before hand or lay the trap once the ghost is caught in a beam.

Laying a trap; You can set up a trap by selecting you trap, then a trap target/crosshair type icon appears which you can move anywhere on the ground. Choose where you want to place it and then do the same with the foot pedal. This system is great for taking spirits by surpise but you need split second timing.

Trapping when a ghost is in your beam; Once you have a ghost tangled in you beam and it's energy is zero it is ready to trap. but what happens if you havn't yet laid a trap on the ground? You can't shoot and trap at the same time! This is what happens; Once the ghost is caught in your beam and ready to trap the ghostbuster which you are controlling changes to the nearest available character who instantly unhooks his trap from his belt and the trap target icon appears. Just move the trap icon under the ghost which is still struggling in the beam of the character you were just controlling (who is still automatically firing at the ghost) and press the button to roll the trap out. press the same button again to trap.

You get more points for a precise trap.

by robertknippels1

17 years, 3 months ago

That artwork and those screenshots are really good. I love that the game will also have creepy elements. I always thought that ghostbusters was a nice mix of funny and scary ghosts. It's nice to see that the people who work on it aproache it in a good way.

Those are interesting idea's you have Matthew.

best regards,


by ViolentG

17 years, 3 months ago

Yup, that artwork is amazing. I'm so pleased the game is taking on a darker, more sinister angle, so it's more akin to the films than the cartoon. Personally, i'd forget everything about the cartoon at this point. If the game is going to represent Ghostbusters 3 (in some format) then I personally wouldn't be importing any influences from the cartoon whatsoever. It'd also be interesting to have it certificated at like, 15yrs perhaps? So as other people have said, it's able to keep a realistic touch with the occassional piece of bad language and/or horror (sudden terror) influenced stuff. Although nothing gory or Resident Evil-ish, because I don't think that's the GB's style.

The concept art reminds me a lot of a cross between the British kid's TV show “Nightmare” (which was absolutley brilliant), the PS2 game “GhostHunter” (which was the nearest thing to Ghostbusters we ever saw) and thankfully, Ghostbusters itself

I'm glad there's some stages set in the human world, with familiar surroundings, however it looks as if some are set in the netherworld. Whilst an interesting idea, I hope that portion of things doesn't take over the game too much. It's probably easier to create unfamiliar environments than familiar ones, and as the programming/design team you probably receive less criticism for the unfamiliar stages for the pure fact nobody's seen anything like them before. However it'd be nice to keep a decent portion of it close to home, New York, and familiar areas like that.

Plus character customisation - interesting role, which i've no doubt they'll include. However it would also be nice to have the option of playing as one of the four guys. The whole “new guy” approach is probably going to come off as quite a cheesy storyline, unless done correctly. And if we are going down the line of having a “new guy” aka the player, can we please have somebody decent doing the voice? Too many of this generic “insert a player” games have voices from second-rate actors who really sound like they'd rather be elsewhere.

Addition: Oh, and one more thing, people touched on the topic of the theme tune earlier? Personally, it'd be awesome to have the original Ghostbusters theme tune (i.e. identical to the one used in the original film) however beef it up with some better, more dramatic drums, maybe some guitar or something overlayed as it builds up… I don't know. I just think the original theme, whilst classic in composition, has been totally played out over the years. Whilst sticking with the same tune, it just needs beefing up - louder, bigger, better. Something that's really gonna get you in the mood

But other than that, it's looking totally excellent!!!

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

Heh, I see the Nightmare feel, now that you mention it.

As for Ghost Hunter, which had also come to mind over the weekend just gone, it could be aid to have served as the precurser to it.

As for the character voice… I wouldn't be surprised if he's silent… we may have option selection for asking questions, but if they're going for a ‘you’re the fifth Ghostbuster' angle as much as it looks like they're doing, the character may be silent completely, like in some games like Neverwinter Nights or Grand Theft Auto 3.

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

Some of them shots I recognise from other games and such…I'm sure the alternate dimension looks alot like a weird level in The Path Of Neo.

They're kind of similar, although the GB screen looks more like the usual astral plane / other dimension look. Path of Neo's lvls are based off (more like taken directly from) of M.C Escher's artwork, particularly Relativity.