Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by DarkfireTaimatsu

17 years, 3 months ago

Not that Luigi's Mansion wasn't an incredible game. =3

Personally, I mus' be the only one who doesn't care how the game looks, as long as I get to play it, yeah? If you keep the story the same, and make it a little simpler, the graphics are pretty secondary.

by Sp9543

17 years, 3 months ago

I am all for the cartoony characters! I think it adds a charm that will appeal to many people. Plus nintendo pulls the cartoony look off better than anyone else. I would rather have a GB game on the Wii that looked like a cartoon than a blocky, distorted photo-realistic attempt. Those are the worst.

will be picking this up on 360, wii, ds, and possibly PC

by Ectoman57

17 years, 3 months ago

im getting WII, PS2, DS

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

I uninstalled that sucker after 15mins. Whoever decided to replace the “open-ended” webslinging mechanism, with randomly placed icons that you had to click on and websling to… would be much better? Frickin' idjit.

It seemed to be that they either forgot to do a PC port until the last moment, or the studio hired to do it did a lousy job at making a PC version of the game, dropping everything excluding the character models and the cutscenes.

Peter Venkmen
Different right holders. They got the rights for the movie, not the cartoon, and having them look like the cartoon version would mean buying more rights.

Plus whilst the RGBs have strong recognition withint the community, outside younger audiences who the Wii and PS2 version are targeted at and those who liked the film but didn't like the cartoon would either wonder who they were or wouldn't want to buy it. By going with the movie actors, it can still reached a broad spectrum of customers.

It sucks, yes, but beyond the DVDs and the work of the fans, it seems that the chapter for The Real Ghostbusters has finally come to a close.

With that said, it's yet to be revealed which console the cartoony look is for, the likely bet is that it's for the Wii… but you never know… same as there's nothing saying the PS2 port will have the same graphics as the Wii port.

Tim, you will be able to chill at the Firehouse, that is confirmed as free-roaming in the article.

by lordvego1

17 years, 3 months ago

I have to read more, but since I didn't I am going to respond based on like one or two posts:

using RGB would be stupid because not many people know them as well as the movies, and because it would take away from the fact that this game is part survival horror

by matthew1

17 years, 3 months ago

Personally I don't like the cartoon design which Red Fly Studios have chosen for their Wii, PS2V and DS versions. I think the character design is too childish and to simplistic. Having said that I'm happy that these versions will be different to the PC, PS3 and XBOX 360 versions of the game that Terminal Reality have developed as it means we'll have two different games to play which means more variation and a second game to play after finishing the first.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 3 months ago

using RGB would be stupid because not many people know them as well as the movies, and because it would take away from the fact that this game is part survival horror

Actually, I knew the cartoon before the movie. But if you know Ghostbusters, chances are you'll know the cartoon series.

Since when exactly is the game survival horror? It's not exactly Resident Evil. I have never actually thought or Ghostbusters as Horror, that's probably a weird thing to say lol.

by JerseyDevil

17 years, 3 months ago

Originally, I considered buying both PS2 & PC editions. However, upon seeing the child-centered cartoon version, I'll stick with the adult edition. Maybe the gaming PTB realized in this universe, you have to appeal equally to adult & youth audiences of the franchise (lesson learned from GB2).

by JonathanArcher

17 years, 3 months ago

Personally, I'm going to be blunt. I couldn't give a **** about the Wii/PS2 graphics, I like that look, I just wish that they'd fix the proton pack and having an extra gun, but thats it.

As for the PC/PS3/360 versions, I'll sadly have to wait and see if my PC will run this, and as for the PS3, its to damned expensive, stupid Sony, and as for the 360. - I'll let this article explain it. Last thing I'd want is to be busting some ghost only to have this happen.

by DarkfireTaimatsu

17 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan Archer
Personally, I'm going to be blunt. I couldn't give a **** about the Wii/PS2 graphics, I like that look, I just wish that they'd fix the proton pack and having an extra gun, but thats it.

As for the PC/PS3/360 versions, I'll sadly have to wait and see if my PC will run this, and as for the PS3, its to damned expensive, stupid Sony, and as for the 360. - I'll let this article explain it. Last thing I'd want is to be busting some ghost only to have this happen.

Hear, hear. I like you. =3

Something I think needs to be said: there's no problem with having a slightly cartoony style, guys. Lest we forget, Ghostbusters is, by and large, a comedy.