Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

as for the PS3, its to damned expensive

Not that much more expensive than the 360 now and it doesn't have it's technical problems. On the other hand, its still more expensive than the 360 and the PS3's online service just isn't as good (but at least its free). I just wish the basic versions of the systems had backwards compatibility, but you need a hard drive for the 360 and they removed it from the cheapest PS3 when they lowered th price.

As I said earlier, I am considering getting rid of my 360 for a PS3 what with the console problems. Just sent mine in for repairs.

by JonathanArcher

17 years, 3 months ago

Hear, hear. I like you. =3

Something I think needs to be said: there's no problem with having a slightly cartoony style, guys. Lest we forget, Ghostbusters is, by and large, a comedy.

I agree, I agree very much, not only that, but one of the players gets to play the ghost on the Wii/PS2's multiplayer, and just imagine getting to use the Wiimote and Nunchunk as the proton pack and trap.

As for the PS3, the cheaper version, the 40GB PS3 has no backwards compatibility, thats a big no-no for me, a huge no-no.

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

Originally, I considered buying both PS2 & PC editions. However, upon seeing the child-centered cartoon version, I'll stick with the adult edition. Maybe the gaming PTB realized in this universe, you have to appeal equally to adult & youth audiences of the franchise (lesson learned from GB2).

PC is going to have the ‘adult graphics’, it's either the Wii or PS2 that will have the ‘childish’ graphics.

by heslimedme251

17 years, 3 months ago

:-) Eeeeep! (That sounded girly! Ahem!) I just realised that the Wii can have proton pack sounds coming from the wiimote! I can't wait for that, gimmicky but fun! Gotta love the little speaker!

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 3 months ago

*The “nitpicker” is baaaaaaccccck:

*The missing circuit board. 'Nuff said.


Dammit, Lanny, go listen to some Discharge and quit'cher bitching.


by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

:-) Eeeeep! (That sounded girly! Ahem!) I just realised that the Wii can have proton pack sounds coming from the wiimote! I can't wait for that, gimmicky but fun! Gotta love the little speaker!

Oh sweet! Good call.

by matthew1

17 years, 3 months ago

Perfect for the pke meter too!

The remotes speaker could also be used as a walkie talkie. You could hear the crackling sound of the radio waves coming from the speaker followed by speech for example “Hey Pete, it's Ray. Pick up”. You'd then press a button on the remote to communicate with them.

I also think that for anybody who has played wii bowling on wii sports it's quite easy to see how the bowling control motion would be perfect for wheeling out the trap. Trying to wheel out the trap the correct distance would require skill and give the player more of a challenge.

by Ectofiend

17 years, 3 months ago

CrimsonGhostbuster Wrote:
Dammit, Lanny, go listen to some Discharge and quit'cher bitching. :p

*Hahahahahahhaha - At least someone gets me around here :p …

*But I forwarn - I do have an addition to my last post, and an OPINION on the “roof rack” of the “Ecto-1” coming…Not so much a “nitpick” but just a suggestion


by JonathanArcher

17 years, 3 months ago

I still plan on getting the Wii version first thing, and hopefully by then, Microsoft would have pulled their heads out of their butts and fixed the red ring of death problem, but, we'll have to see there.

Somehow, I doubt I'll be getting a PS3 cause of its price, ugh, Sony.

Despite the Wii graphics, which, I still like, mind you, despite the bad proton pack and extra gun, it'll be interesting playing as with the Wiimote and Nunchuck, though I could imagine you'd have to use the nunchuck to throw the trap since the Wiimote's going to be the proton beam.

by misfit1

17 years, 3 months ago

CrimsonGhostbuster Wrote:
Dammit, Lanny, go listen to some Discharge and quit'cher bitching. :p

*Hahahahahahhaha - At least someone gets me around here :p …

*But I forwarn - I do have an addition to my last post, and an OPINION on the “roof rack” of the “Ecto-1” coming…Not so much a “nitpick” but just a suggestion


In other news, my band supported discharge last year.

I stole their beer.
