Jonathan Archer Wrote:Well, that shouldn't be cause of shoddy products, but, like I said, hopefully by next year, the overheat problems and such that the current 360's have will be fixed.
*I'm just gonna say “screw it” and get the “backwards compatible” PS3 …I'm not spending a bundle on a XBOX 360 only to get the “red-ring-of-death”.
*As for the “Wii” - I'll wait and see if the game is “up-to-par” first…
*And now onto my "
*I want to preface this by saying that I
know that the designs are not final …I
know that the
popular “topic-of-the-day” seems to be "
game-play mechanics“, ”
How cartoony the Wii/PS2/DS version is“, and ”
compatibilty with ___ system"…And I
also realize that I was abit harsh with my last few pictures, and I am
NOT [Nor was I
bashing the Dev team“…
*These are merely my ”
opinions and observations“, and should be treated as such…And as there hasn't been any expansion on the topic of ”
story", so this is what I have been concentrating on [
FYI: “Bashing me” gets you nowhere]…
*Now onto my thoughts on the “Ecto”…
*Now the picture is kinda fuzzy, as my “picture hosting site” only accepts “.gifs” and/or “.jpegs”…And it's a “busy” picture at that…But bare with me…
1] The
"red trim" stretching from the wings to the front door of the car is too wide. It should be a straight line of trim .
2] Too much empty space in the middle of the "
roof rack“. While this is supposed to be a combination of the ”
1“ and ”
1A" [which means
ANY combination of gadgets on the roof], the lack there-of in the middle leaves something to be desired [See #8 for my take - And "
yes“ it's not ”
completely to scale" - It's just meant to show a
possible look].
3] No "
white walled tires". Merely a
personal discrepance.
4] White "
cylinder“ protruding off of ”
roof rack“ is missing the red stripes. and is ”
boxed off" and not rounded at the tip.
5] Yellow "
airpressure cylinders“ on ”
roof rack“ seem ”
boxy“ and not ”
oval", and are missing their distinctive markings.
6] The windows aren't tinted.
7] The "
Code 3 Force 4 XL Light Bars“ are missing their ”
connectors", which attach them to the roof.
8] A "
Concept" [
despite how flawed it is in scale] of mine on the "
roof rack".
*And for
Ben - What I
forgot about the belt on the uniform:
*The "
dangling keyrings“ and the ”
MT500 3-6 channel UHF" radio/walkie-talkie. :p
*P.s. -
Misfit Wrote:n other news, my band supported discharge last year.
I stole their beer.
*Wags finger* “Naughty Naughty” (*peter) :p .