Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

Microsoft would have pulled their heads out of their butts and fixed the red ring of death problem, but, we'll have to see there.

At least its a free repair on the 3 rings of death… Any other problem though and its gonna cost $99 to fix.

As for the PS3, I think the price complaint depends on what the person wants in a console. Probably actually costs more for the 360 if you want the same features as a PS3, aka online pay + next-gen disc player - alas, I don't give a crap about blue-ray/hd-dvd movies or online play.

by JonathanArcher

17 years, 3 months ago

Well, that shouldn't be cause of shoddy products, but, like I said, hopefully by next year, the overheat problems and such that the current 360's have will be fixed.

by chriz

17 years, 3 months ago

Didn't they say the new Elite version of 360 stops the overheating?

by JonathanArcher

17 years, 3 months ago

I think thats what they say as well, and yeah, honestly, I'm not really all that much on online playing or HD/Blue-Ray myself. However though, I do want a hard drive, but thats about it.

Not sure which one would be cheaper, but all I know is that the console I need needs to have backwards compatibility.

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

From everything I looked up, apparantly not. In my case, I just hope they fix it soon. I don't have to worry about consoles until May or so, so I'm fine until then. Can't say the same about others.

Heh… The one thing that brings Sony down in my books (other than the complained about crappy online support) is the fact that while they lowered the price to $400, they removed backwards comaptibilty from the 40gb version. As for the 360, I hope they add some more games to the compatibility list. Luckily I kept my original Xbox.

Hey, at least with Ghostbusters, if all else fails with the consoles, PC ftw…

by JonathanArcher

17 years, 3 months ago

From everything I looked up, apparantly not. In my case, I just hope they fix it soon. I don't have to worry about consoles until May or so, so I'm fine until then. Can't say the same about others.

Heh… The one thing that brings Sony down in my books (other than the complained about crappy online support) is the fact that while they lowered the price to $400, they removed backwards comaptibilty from the 40gb version. As for the 360, I hope they add some more games to the compatibility list. Luckily I kept my original Xbox.

Hey, at least with Ghostbusters, if all else fails with the consoles, PC ftw…

So the Elite's still overheat? Great, very great. *Shakes head* Also, yeah, you think Sony could've made the 40GB PS3 without ditching the backwards compatibility, that was bad of them, very bad.

And well, we have to see what the PC stats are going to be before determining if our PC's are going to run it. I have a Radeon 9500 card, and honestly, at this point, I'm not to sure if that's going to do the trick.

by GuyCC

17 years, 3 months ago

You know, my thoughts on the whole Wii “Cartoony” look will have merit for one reason, if the developers (wisely) choose to implement it:

Create A Character? I want to import my Mii into the game.

Just plunk his little head on a Ghostbuster jumpsuit body, and any concerns I had about the more simple look will be washed away.

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving, all!

by Ectofiend

17 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan Archer Wrote:
Well, that shouldn't be cause of shoddy products, but, like I said, hopefully by next year, the overheat problems and such that the current 360's have will be fixed.

*I'm just gonna say “screw it” and get the “backwards compatible” PS3 …I'm not spending a bundle on a XBOX 360 only to get the “red-ring-of-death”.

*As for the “Wii” - I'll wait and see if the game is “up-to-par” first…

*And now onto my "suggestions":

*I want to preface this by saying that I know that the designs are not final …I know that the popular “topic-of-the-day” seems to be "game-play mechanics“, ”How cartoony the Wii/PS2/DS version is“, and ”compatibilty with ___ system"…And I also realize that I was abit harsh with my last few pictures, and I am NOT [Nor was I EVER] "bashing the Dev team“…

*These are merely my ”opinions and observations“, and should be treated as such…And as there hasn't been any expansion on the topic of ”story", so this is what I have been concentrating on [FYI: “Bashing me” gets you nowhere]…

*Now onto my thoughts on the “Ecto”…

*Now the picture is kinda fuzzy, as my “picture hosting site” only accepts “.gifs” and/or “.jpegs”…And it's a “busy” picture at that…But bare with me…

1] The "red trim" stretching from the wings to the front door of the car is too wide. It should be a straight line of trim .
2] Too much empty space in the middle of the "roof rack“. While this is supposed to be a combination of the ”1“ and ”1A" [which means ANY combination of gadgets on the roof], the lack there-of in the middle leaves something to be desired [See #8 for my take - And "yes“ it's not ”completely to scale" - It's just meant to show a possible look].
3] No "white walled tires". Merely a personal discrepance.
4] White "cylinder“ protruding off of ”roof rack“ is missing the red stripes. and is ”boxed off" and not rounded at the tip.
5] Yellow "airpressure cylinders“ on ”roof rack“ seem ”boxy“ and not ”oval", and are missing their distinctive markings.
6] The windows aren't tinted.
7] The "Code 3 Force 4 XL Light Bars“ are missing their ”connectors", which attach them to the roof.
8] A "Concept" [despite how flawed it is in scale] of mine on the "roof rack".

*And for Ben - What I forgot about the belt on the uniform:

*The "dangling keyrings“ and the ”MT500 3-6 channel UHF" radio/walkie-talkie. :p


*P.s. -

Misfit Wrote:
n other news, my band supported discharge last year.

I stole their beer.

*Wags finger* “Naughty Naughty” (*peter) :p .

by JonathanArcher

17 years, 3 months ago

Well, I'll have to see how the next generation of 360's are, cause there are a few other games I want to get, Dead Rising, Viva Pinata and such, but Ghostbusters would certainly be the big one that I'm looking forward to.

This is if my PC doesn't run it. I just really hate that the 40gb PS3's don't have backwards compatibility, but thats typical Sony for you.

Lol EctoFiend, do you really think that they're going to go and fix all of that? Something tells me it won't happen, thats little stuff to me.

by Ectofiend

17 years, 3 months ago

Jonathan Archer Wrote:
Lol EctoFiend, do you really think that they're going to go and fix all of that? Something tells me it won't happen, thats little stuff to me.

*No more than them adding a “create-a-player” feature, them making the “cartoony Wii” graphics more “platable” to “GB-movie-purists” , or Microsoft actually fixing the 360's fully before next year (*peter) …

*But hey - Weirder things have happened (*peter) …
