17 years, 3 months ago
17 years, 3 months ago
One of the mods should edit the first post to include all the updates thusfar, including scans, screenshots, and videos, so people don't have to read 30+ pages to get the core information.
Only real fans will read it all the way through.
BTW, check out the FAQ thread for the game.
17 years, 3 months ago
batman2I know how you feel. I spent over $200 on the old Ghostbusters International books, just because I felt like reading them. In this community, that doesn't make me weird.
If it was 500 pages I would gladly read it as anything to do with Ghostbusters is good in my books.
It's nice to be in a community where people don't think your a complete nut everytime you talk about ghostbusters for the millionth time. (^_^)
17 years, 3 months ago
Why is the original GB game so much better than the NES version?
17 years, 3 months ago
Why is the original GB game so much better than the NES version?
The japanese company that ported the game decided to add in a bunch of new crap that made the most menial of tasks a real pain in the ass, the gas station/stairs/and the gozer battle where good ideas (and if you want to see them done well, play the master system version). Just poorly done. They also added a bunch of new equipment into the shop and made it so you couldn't complete the game without it. But of course, it was far too expensive to buy on your first run-through so you had to play a few times to get your bank balance up, and as the AVGN points out, a single game takes about at least an hour.
17 years, 3 months ago
Jonathan Archer
Lol, guess they stored all the equipment in the front of that car.
17 years, 3 months ago
17 years, 3 months ago
17 years, 3 months ago
Peter VenkmenJonathan Archer
Lol, guess they stored all the equipment in the front of that car.
Ha ha, just imagine what will happen if they crash the car. Proton explosion show.
17 years, 3 months ago
Thanks to Ectofiend again, I put this video on the new GBN temp / home page as well.