While I'm very glad that Ghostbusters is finally back in focus, I'm somewhat disappointed the game will follow the continuity of the movies and not the animated series.
I love
The Real Ghostbusters, but a game version of the cartoon probably wouldn't have the same sort of mass appeal than a game version of the films which not only is being billed as the next installment of the film series but also has the grab factor of having gotten the four original Ghostbusters. Having the RGB cast wouldn't be the same as it'd just be a case of hiring on a bunch of voice actors…
Plus it'd just be a continuation of the executive meddling to keep Slimer as a main character, he was perfectly fine as a background character in the early episodes of the show but never should have gotten so much prominence.
As for Janine and Louis, given the fact Rick Moranis isn't signed on, the character won't likely appear so her relationship with Egon may be back in motion… and whilst Samhain, the Boogieman, the Grundle and the Peoplebusters worked great in a cartoon… they probably would seem
too cartoony in something based on the movie.
Sometimes the cartoon and the movie have to be shown as separate entites as much as they are shown to be one and the same… some things will work in one visualisation of Ghostbusters but not in another whilst some elements are universal.