Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by mdp872105

17 years, 3 months ago

Take note this games not going to come out for another year almost i got a feeling there going to hear some feed back and fix the game accordingly so don't fret yet. There just might be a co-op mode in the future. (besides it will be halo3 where its like the solo campaign but not quite the same thing)


by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 3 months ago

We don't know if there's co-op yet, well not for the PS3/X-box/PC version. But they did say there was going to be co-op and multilayer for Wii/PS2.

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

Yeah I think its best if this game focuses on movie continuity rather than RGB continuity, however RGB was how I discovered Ghostbusters in the first place, and considering that the toys and comic books were all based off the animated series, it accounts for a very large portion of my GB childhood experience, so I'm *hoping* there'll be an RGB follow up game which complements this one.

Whilst I have no way of knowing, I doubt we'll see a RGB game of any sorts.

But it doesn't mean they can't take some things from it… the Containment Unit could easily be made to reference the one from the cartoon as we never saw it in the second film. Things like that, and possibly some of the more sensible piece of equipment could appear quite easily and probably with little modification.

by Ectoman57

17 years, 3 months ago

I hope i can use my wii zapper, that would be awsome, so far i already have preorderd for WII, PS2 and DS.

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

I hope i can use my wii zapper, that would be awsome, so far i already have preorderd for WII, PS2 and DS.

Don't you want at least one version of the ‘adult’ game? Seems odd to order three versions of the ‘soft’ version.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 3 months ago

I hope i can use my wii zapper, that would be awsome, so far i already have preorderd for WII, PS2 and DS.

Don't you want at least one version of the ‘adult’ game? Seems odd to order three versions of the ‘soft’ version.

LOL, I'd get the Wii, PC and DS. I'm hoping the DS version will be different though, which most likely will. I'm wondering if they'll do 2D or 3D graphics.

by Ectoman57

17 years, 3 months ago

I hope i can use my wii zapper, that would be awsome, so far i already have preorderd for WII, PS2 and DS.

Don't you want at least one version of the ‘adult’ game? Seems odd to order three versions of the ‘soft’ version.

Of course i do, what kind of Ghostbuster fan do u think i am???????? :p i cant afford to fork over the cash for the other systems.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 3 months ago

I hope i can use my wii zapper, that would be awsome, so far i already have preorderd for WII, PS2 and DS.

Don't you want at least one version of the ‘adult’ game? Seems odd to order three versions of the ‘soft’ version.

Of course i do, what kind of Ghostbuster fan do u think i am???????? :p i cant afford to fork over the cash for the other systems.

You can skip getting the PS2 version and buy the PC/PS3/X-box version.

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

Or just skip the DS version altogether, I can't imagine the game being all that great even with two screens and a stylus…

by Corruptparadise

17 years, 3 months ago

Or just skip the DS version altogether, I can't imagine the game being all that great even with two screens and a stylus…

Yeah I dont see a stylus doing the Proton pack any justice.