Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by skankerzero

17 years, 3 months ago

At skankerzero's request, the following content has been temporarily removed until further notice. Despite this he will continue to lurk in the shadows here and encourages you to keep posting suggestions because he will still read your posts even if he may no longer comment on them.

- Kingpin

by 9sam11

17 years, 3 months ago

Awesome, good to see the guys making the game getting involved in the community.

You may also wanna check out

by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 3 months ago

Crossing the Streams
At skankerzero's request, the following content has been temporarily removed until further notice. Despite this he will continue to lurk in the shadows here and encourages you to keep posting suggestions because he will still read your posts even if he may no longer comment on them.

- Kingpin


great job man i like what you do!

glad to see that you are part of the forums and welcome!

i know that we all would be willing to hear what you have to say about the game and of course we would be willing to put our 2 cents in if you would like to hear.


any who.

keep us updated (*peter) :p

At skankerzero's request, the following content has been temporarily removed until further notice. Despite this he will continue to lurk in the shadows here and encourages you to keep posting suggestions because he will still read your posts even if he may no longer comment on them.

- Kingpin

Wow, it's great to hear from someone like you, nice to see the people working on it have a great passion for it too! If you need absolutely anything you need in terms of Ghostbusters to help and/or aid in the production of the game, please post and let us know.

Here's to a great tribute to Ghostbusters! (*peter)

by cowboyspike1

17 years, 3 months ago

Er, not to bring this thread down, but I'm going to need a little more proof of your involvement on this game. So far, you've established no credibility except for carefully choosing your words.

by zack1

17 years, 3 months ago

His website offers some believability. (*winston) To me it did anyway. With the Terminal Reality info.

I can see some people can be suspicious as we've had people coming on pretending to be Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd before but this claim doesn't seem quite that outrageous. Especially with the website. (*peter) Just a thought. We've had Sebastien and the other guys come on here as well as I think Michael Gross(or was it Medjuck?) It's not too farfetched they might want to get some kind of fan connection/interaction.

by cowboyspike1

17 years, 3 months ago

Thanks. I retract my statement. (^_^)

by zack1

17 years, 3 months ago

Thanks. I retract my statement. (^_^)

No problem :p Didn't mean to sound like that with what I said at all but wasn't sure if you noticed his site link or not… :-) All is well! Seems legit!

Welcome aboard skankerzero! We look forward to hearing more really soon, good to see a project like this with fans of the films involved working on the project. That will help tremendously as well as having Dan/Harold and the other guys there bringing it a lot of credibility as well.

by skankerzero

17 years, 3 months ago

At skankerzero's request, the following content has been temporarily removed until further notice. Despite this he will continue to lurk in the shadows here and encourages you to keep posting suggestions because he will still read your posts even if he may no longer comment on them.

- Kingpin

by BigRedOgre

17 years, 3 months ago

(^_^) This game looks so amazing. For years I've dreamed they would make another GB game but knowing that its only big in our world wasnt enough to make one. But with the next generation game consols why not. How many people saw or played the game Ellebits for the Nintendo Wii? I dont know bout all of you but the first thing I thought of was Ghostbusters on the Wii. It would so work as a 1st person shooter on the wii I can go on and on about it, its just so perfect for the wii. But when I got some random email one day I saw what looked like a Gears of War style game. Then I saw what it was and OMG!!!!! This is gonna be bad ass. Ghostbusters co-op online? Finally! I already plan on losing 2 jobs over this game. I know Im not gonna get sick of it.

by misfit1

17 years, 3 months ago


yeah, i'm all out of twinkie annalogies.

Did you happen to work on Nocturn? 'Cause I loved the hell out of that game!