Official Ghostbusters Game discussion - Post updates here

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

Only thing that can make me any more excited would be seeing screenshots of familiar GB2 locations/enemies… Well, and someday a virtual reality Ghostbusters game lol.

by drspengler2

17 years, 3 months ago

All four members of the movie team – Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Bill Murray and Harold Ramis – will be giving voice and likeness rights for the game.

I wonder why no one seems to be amazed when it comes to this.
For years, companies tried to get the likeness rights, but failed because of Murray's no go. Now Vivendi was succesful which means we won't see stylized versions of the guys (like Aykroyd said months ago), but the original team, and that's so awesome! :-)

by skankerzero

17 years, 3 months ago


yeah, i'm all out of twinkie annalogies.

Did you happen to work on Nocturn? 'Cause I loved the hell out of that game!

At skankerzero's request, the following content has been temporarily removed until further notice. Despite this he will continue to lurk in the shadows here and encourages you to keep posting suggestions because he will still read your posts even if he may no longer comment on them.

- Kingpin

by the_blessed_freak51

17 years, 3 months ago

I've always wondered where “Demonik” in Grandma's Boy came from.Cool stuff man!Glad to have ya haunting the forums…

by misfit1

17 years, 3 months ago

At skankerzero's request, the following content has been temporarily removed until further notice. Despite this he will continue to lurk in the shadows here and encourages you to keep posting suggestions because he will still read your posts even if he may no longer comment on them.

- Kingpi.

Thats an impressive list my friend, and you know your secrets are safe with us, it's only the internet afterall

by skankerzero

17 years, 3 months ago

At skankerzero's request, the following content has been temporarily removed until further notice. Despite this he will continue to lurk in the shadows here and encourages you to keep posting suggestions because he will still read your posts even if he may no longer comment on them.

- Kingpin

by CrossingtheStreams

17 years, 3 months ago

Next couple of weeks:

At skankerzero's request, the following content has been temporarily removed until further notice. Despite this he will continue to lurk in the shadows here and encourages you to keep posting suggestions because he will still read your posts even if he may no longer comment on them.

- Kingpin


are you having a TV spot??


by zack1

17 years, 3 months ago

I imagine it has to be inevitable at some point, but I'd really just love to see behind the scenes stuff recording and whatnot. To just see those 4 guys in the same place again would be amazing in itself… (^_^) When it does happen.

by Temujin

17 years, 3 months ago

At skankerzero's request, the following content has been temporarily removed until further notice. Despite this he will continue to lurk in the shadows here and encourages you to keep posting suggestions because he will still read your posts even if he may no longer comment on them.

- Kingpin

Dangit Jesse, you beat me on here.

It's crazy to see so much excitement from everyone.

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

Heh, hard not to get excited. Been so little of the Ghostbusters franchise really since the 80s. I myself love Star Wars and Superman, but those franchises have had projects and stuff forever. Ghostbusters has kind of been this huge franchise thats been hiding and waiting to strike and show that its still a force to be wreckoned with and that it can draw in the big bucks.

Plus with how far technology and gaming has come in the recent years, it was just a prospect that one had to get excited about.