Official Mattel PKE meter thread

by batman2

14 years, 1 month ago

Ayame Ex_Goddess;168470
Does anyone know if they're doing another run of these or might be restocking them? I doubt it, with my luck, but I figure if anyone knows, it's you guys. I've been super busy the last few months and totally fell out of the loop.

From what we have learned Matty hold a certain amount of stock behind as replacements for lost or broken items that have been reported by customers, and probably in about 11 months time they will probably offer a special one off sale, but numbers will be limited.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 1 month ago

It´s been 5 weeks since Matty sent my PKE meters to my home… and they haven´t arrived… and worried I went to ask to my local postal service office (the Matty figures usually take 3-4 weeks to arrive), the woman there told me that the border crossing customs office got a lot of work with the packages this holidays, but the packages are now coming normally… so my PKE meters should arrive soon.

the wait have been longer than I thought!!

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 1 month ago

MY PKE Meters finally arrived this morning!! I just opened one and all I can say is: AWESOME!! Those guys at Matty really did a great job with it… I can´t stop smiling like a child opening his gifts on xmas.

I´ll keep one unopened for the collection, the opened one, will be with me 24/7 from this moment on.

by RoastedZuul

14 years ago

Now that the holidays are past, and the PKE meter sold well(to put it mildly)…I wonder if Matty has any plans for another prop? Ecto-Goggles would be cool…but a trap would be the Ultimate for me…especially if MAtty does the same treatment as the PKE's bells and whistles.
Just wondering.(*winston)

by ghostbusters2131

14 years ago

Now that the holidays are past, and the PKE meter sold well(to put it mildly)…I wonder if Matty has any plans for another prop? Ecto-Goggles would be cool…but a trap would be the Ultimate for me…especially if MAtty does the same treatment as the PKE's bells and whistles.
Just wondering.(*winston)

Maybe for xmas we can get the next prop (if will be there any)

by ive_been_slimed

14 years ago

I thought it was about time to post my video review of the matty collector PKE meter prop replica, I hope you enjoy the video guys. Please comment!

by doctorvenkman1

14 years ago

You really need to think out your reviews before you do them. Script them out a bit, and plan what you're going to say. You stumble over your words a lot, and it makes for a not so great review.

Also, you should probably zoom out the camera a bit, because you were zoomed in way too much and it made it difficult to actually see what you were doing with the PKE Meter.