Official Mattel PKE meter thread

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 6 months ago

I'll certainly be in line for the PKE meter. I usually don't open my Ghostbusters stuff, but the temptation will be too much with this one.

Same here, I haven´t opened any of the Matty or Neca figures, but this one, for sure I´ll open it.

And, @Peter Venkmen, I also hold my breath for a proton pack.

by cpm72586

14 years, 6 months ago

Same here, I haven´t opened any of the Matty or Neca figures, but this one, for sure I´ll open it.

And, @Peter Venkmen, I also hold my breath for a proton pack.

I'm surprised nobody asked about future prop replicas, like the ghost trap, ecto goggles and obviously, the proton pack. Maybe someone did, but I haven't seen any mention of it anywhere. Anywho, while I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't get a proton pack, it also won't shock me if they are able to pull off a proton pack prop replica. I'm assuming they have future plans for other props and to skip over the biggest one that everyone will want will just leave the collection so incomplete. There must be a way to make one that won't empty people's bank accounts. I'd be happy if they could make an accuarate representation of the pack from the film but with cheaper materials to keep the cost at a reasonable price.

by batman2

14 years, 6 months ago

I'm surprised nobody asked about future prop replicas, like the ghost trap, ecto goggles and obviously, the proton pack. Maybe someone did, but I haven't seen any mention of it anywhere. Anywho, while I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't get a proton pack, it also won't shock me if they are able to pull off a proton pack prop replica. I'm assuming they have future plans for other props and to skip over the biggest one that everyone will want will just leave the collection so incomplete. There must be a way to make one that won't empty people's bank accounts. I'd be happy if they could make an accuarate representation of the pack from the film but with cheaper materials to keep the cost at a reasonable price.

It has been mentioned somewhere before, I think if the PKE Meter shifts lots of units then items like the Ecto Goggles & The Ghost Trap will not be to far off. Although I would love them to do a proton pack it all comes down to price, how much it costs to make and how much they can sell it for. I think some time back there was talk of Master Replicas who do all those Star Wars Lightsaber replicas doing some Ghostbusters props, but I think the costs were just too high. If I remember right when they first sold the Lightsabers they were going for about £250, I got mine in a sale a few years ago only because it was £35. So it makes you think how much a full Proton pack Replicas was going to cost, although I think Matty has done a great price of the PKE Meter of about $60+.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 6 months ago

No matter what, I´m still waiting for some proton pack props replicas… though I will start building my own proton pack (with a help of a friend) and maybe it will cost me several bucks… but I know if that Matty releases one… I´m buying it.

by cpm72586

14 years, 6 months ago

It has been mentioned somewhere before, I think if the PKE Meter shifts lots of units then items like the Ecto Goggles & The Ghost Trap will not be to far off. Although I would love them to do a proton pack it all comes down to price, how much it costs to make and how much they can sell it for. I think some time back there was talk of Master Replicas who do all those Star Wars Lightsaber replicas doing some Ghostbusters props, but I think the costs were just too high. If I remember right when they first sold the Lightsabers they were going for about £250, I got mine in a sale a few years ago only because it was £35. So it makes you think how much a full Proton pack Replicas was going to cost, although I think Matty has done a great price of the PKE Meter of about $60+.

Yea, I think master replicas was supposed to do a prop replica for the proton pack, but like you said, the cost was just too high. The thing that makes me wonder about Mattel is I would have expected the PKE meter to go for a higher price so it gives me hope that maybe they've found cheaper, more cost effective materials to make the props. Master Replicas was probably looking at making the highest quality prop replicas and using pretty expensive materials to do so. Like I said I wouldn't mind if Mattycollector used less expensive materials but made it screen accurate. I think the props from the movies were made from fibre glass and many people make them out of fibre glass as well. But if Mattycollector could use a high quality plastic it might not be so bad or expensive. I think anyways. I'm not an expert on the prices for these things so maybe I'm wrong.

by batman2

14 years, 4 months ago

The PKE Meter is now up on's site with a 1st December 2010 release date, the box looks amazing, can't wait.

If you ever find yourself on the verge of a four-fold crossrept − a PKE surge of incredible, even dangerous proportions − then you’re going to want all the ghost bustin’ gadgets you can get… especially our movie-accurate PKE Meter, available for the first time from Mattel! This prop replica features light sequences from both Ghostbusters™ and Ghostbusters™ II, adjustable LED and screen animation speeds, three screen displays as seen in the films (diagonal, off, arc) and opening wings!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 4 months ago

DO WANT!! The box looks awesome too!!

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 4 months ago

GREAT NEWS!!! I was just thinking about that we haven´t had news about the PKE meter… but then you come and post this… CAN´T WAIT!!!

by batman2

14 years, 4 months ago

The only thing is I just hope it arrives before Christmas, shipping is just so slow (4 weeks to the UK).

I'm getting 2 just incase one stops working, I just know once they're gone they will be very pricey to get from places like eBay.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 4 months ago

Oh man that box looks awesome. I definitely can't wait to get my order in on at least 2 of these.