Official Mattel PKE meter thread

by Kingpin

14 years, 4 months ago

I imagine they'll be home in time for the Americans, it's going to be pushing it for us UKers.

Nice to finally have the date, but boy am I going to be wishing that November will fly by, and I don't want it to.

by batman2

14 years, 4 months ago

So if Ghostbusters was a franchise I guess this is how they would ship the goods to you then, lol.

by DkiDClue

14 years, 4 months ago

buying max amount of these! Good update!

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 4 months ago

If we want more props, we must support the franchise now, buying the PKE meter…

by batman2

14 years, 4 months ago

Here is an important update regarding the PKE Meter.

Even though the item goes on sale on the 1st of December 2010, say they will not begin shipping the item for a whole 11 days, so the earliest the PKE Meter will ship is on the 12th December 2010. So with most of the world closing down around Christmas and on average Matty taking 4 weeks to get goods to the UK I can't see us UK customers getting the PKE Meter until late January 2011, unless you pay for very expensive shipping.


Matty Link

by Nix

14 years, 4 months ago

Just remember to save one for me…financially speaking, I'm on ice at the moment.

by Ecto-Collector

14 years, 4 months ago

Not really impressed with the amount and price of the pre-orders on “the bay”

by batman2

14 years, 3 months ago

I hope us International customers are not going to miss out on the PKE as it has electronics inside it, someone has just posted a message on the Matty forums HERE.

by BlkSwanPres

14 years, 3 months ago

What do you guys think of the sound differences on the matty PKE?

by Buckynohair

14 years, 3 months ago

I hope us International customers are not going to miss out on the PKE as it has electronics inside it, someone has just posted a message on the Matty forums HERE.

Rather worrying I must say…