Ok Sony what's to make MIB3 so is that good news or bad news
by river_of_slime
22 years ago
Yep u read correctly Sony wants to do it just go to www.comingsoon.net to read the article. So is this a good idea or bad idea
by Zack
22 years ago
lol cool, I just moved this to Ghostbusters 3 from miscellaneous! :d unless this is just about the possibility of another MIB movie and not as it relates to GB3
22 years ago
I told you, its good!
by GBFreak
22 years ago
But how will this help GB3???
by Spooky
22 years ago
I dont think its good or bad. It could mean there open to MIB3 which is not doing any better then GB was or is. So mabey they might reopen to GB3. Or it could mean nothing.
by Gmoney
22 years ago
I find it very annoying that Sony is jumping on these other sequels but wont make another Ghostbuster movie. Its just stupid, MID 2 wasnt even that good. Ghostbusters was one of the most succesful franchises in history. Im so mad right now. I dont want to see another d*amn boring MIB with that Egomaniac Will Smith. I want the MIG (Men In Grey)! Screw abunch of MIB! :l( :1( |
by ray
22 years ago
i personally thought that men in black 2 was the best movie in the world the money should of ben used on gb3 all there doin is throwing money away gb can be rived anything can . look at et jaws bttf and . ect Ray
by wampaems
22 years ago
This is stupid! That series doenst even warrant making a third installment.
by WayneW.
22 years ago
Ah man. I hate this! I hated MIB, I double hated MIB 2, and now I'm gonna triple hate MIB 3, how many more hates can I do? :l( | :1(
by river_of_slime
22 years ago
As the old saying goes people Money talks and Gb's doesnt at least right now it doesnt