Ok Sony what's to make MIB3 so is that good news or bad news
by AgentD
22 years, 2 months ago
I don't know what to think on this issue. Numerous times I have stated how horrible MIB2 was. I loved the first film, but everything else MIB-related has sucked…even the toon. I don't think this will mean anything for GB3. In fact, I don't see MIB3 happening for quite a while especially with all the squabbles that apparrently took place.
by Movies205
22 years, 2 months ago
I remember a while ago on the board this guy with a horrible grasp of the english language I guess(no offense if your reading) posted somewhere along the lines of this If MIB2 do good we see GB3 it was great cuz everyone thought he was someone wiht soem inside info :d but sad when everyone found out it was just nothing :l( (though he neva posted again lol) Who knows we might just see a GB3 yet
22 years, 2 months ago
I liked MIB, i liked MIB2, and i wouldnt mind seeing a MIB3. I'd rather a GB3 though.
by ghostbuster2005
22 years, 2 months ago
well see i loved BTTF and Jaws and Both MIB but if sony doesnt go with a GB3 than we can think of MIB as our GBs of today i know there not in gray and there arnt four of them but u know sony isnt gonna make a GB3 because it isnt hot to them thats why there is goin to be a X-Men 2 and 3 because its hot and Sprider Man 2 and 3 and pending on how SM do they might make a Vemon movie also or last time i knew but if they could get teh org. cast for like BTTF and make a 4th one and if they made it like the frist 3 than heck i would see it so they make whats hot so if this year GBs can get on a hot strick than they might go for it but not a lot of old movies having sequals made years after havnt been to good so becareful what u ask for
by AgentD
22 years, 2 months ago
80s sequels are very intimidating things. Sony wants to capitilize on MIB because it's on the public's mind…although all they will remember now is how badly MIB2 sucked. But still 80s sequels obviously don't have that same quality. As we know far too well, another problem with 80s sequels is that it's very hard to get the original creators together.
by deadderek
22 years, 2 months ago
by river_of_slime
22 years ago
I also here theres going to be Spy Kids 3 this makes me mad and upsept :1( | :l( :u :f
by drugasbuster
22 years ago
ok, columbia is a company of brainless people that makes dumb franchises like mib2 or suart little 2, SL2???!!!!!, give me a break!!!!, use the money on gb3!!!!, btw, i think MIB2 sucked :l(
by usefulidiot
22 years ago
don't care for MIB movies really anymore. But I read that article at ign so many times about GB3 and they claimed GB3 would be to expensive to make with special effects so they wouldn't make it and same goes with MIB, they weren't going to make a MIB2. Turns out they did make another MIB. So who knows, GB3 could be in the works soon.
21 years, 11 months ago
My two cents: the commercials for MIB2 were better than the actual movie. Despite some funny jokes, it was less good than the first. Second, it irritates me to no end the planned sequals in the grapevine these days. Indiana Jones 4. BTTF 4. MIB3. Spy Kids 3. While the comic seuqals don't bug me as much (it's my industry, it can't) all these others just draw the cash away from GB.