On GB86, PVFS - Venkman reunion info

by petervenkmanfan1

21 years, 4 months ago

vgirl: Thanks . Zack made it for me. Now I'm just trying to think up a cool Pete-esque statement like you have on GBHQ and here on GBCentral. Well maybe not the one that you have for your vgirl account since I'm not a native New Yorker, but the one you had up for your petefan account before you changed it to what it says now. Now I'm gonna be in torture awaiting the details of the first ever Venkman Family Reunion, hehe :-) . I'm definitely going to be checking Pete's Fan Club for those details.

Suspiria: The pic in my banner second from the right is from the ep Ghost Busted. In that ep the guys have completely bagged every ghost in New York and so as not to go out of business and get their power shut off by ConEd they all go out and get jobs. Pete gets a job working in a lab and ends up blowing up whatever he was mixing. I always found it funny how as far as the four of them go that Pete had a job that would have been better suited for Egon, lol :-)

by Suspiria

21 years, 4 months ago

Ahh-thanks PeterVenkmanFan-I have learned something new for today!

by petervenkmanfan1

21 years, 4 months ago

Very welcome Suspiria

by vgirl1

21 years, 3 months ago

Guys, sorry about this month's update not being made but to make up for it, I'll be posting more caps in the clubs and getting the site ready for next month, maybe even spend Thanksgiving with the guys.

by vgirl1

21 years, 3 months ago

GB86 will be updated as soon as I can get the new index up without overwriting the current one.
Where the heck did the stupid members area go?
Meanwhile, updates on Pete's site begin next month.

by vgirl1

21 years, 1 month ago

:-@ Freewebsites has gone byebye. Still can't get the member login form so I'm moving gb86, AGAIN. Those of you using the freewebsites addy, change to zap.to/gb86. The site will still be accessable through its former addy for the rest of this week only while I move files to the new host. Hope to see ya'll there. Updates for this month begin next week. (*peter) (*winston)

by vgirl1

20 years, 5 months ago

Hey look, historical documents!!
Ummm alright………

Since next month is my b-month and Pete's, why not celebrate by updating the Petepics page on GB86 and some very much needed updates to Pete's site.
Sure, why not? There you have it. Roaming Halloween and and b-day updates on both sites. See ya round.

by vgirl1

20 years, 1 month ago

(*janine) Moving the site yet again, what at first seemed a great host turned out to be a pot. :p that little java ad shows up on all the pages and on the dedication page, disrespectful!
So I've found a different host and will be moving the site. Hang around for details.

by vgirl1

20 years ago

Moved the site and updated the redirect link. NO MORE DUMBA$$ ADS!! :-)
I lost a couple of files in the move and have replaced them. Please be patient with some of the pages as I had to rely on the 2000 update as the regular page back ups on the other pages.
Please post pages that are missing or missing pics in this post, PM me or post at either GB86 group on MSN or yahoo.

by vgirl1

19 years, 9 months ago

Moving again!!