one of my ideas for gb3

by jewy

21 years, 10 months ago

for the villian im thinking Ares the go of war and add in the war thats about to happen with the movie and once the war starteds when the first person is kill there is a huge eathquake, the skys darken and Ares come out of the ground wiht a bunch of ghosts and the seas boil. judgmentday has arrived.
what do u think for them apples
u smell what im cooking :O

by Slimer03

21 years, 10 months ago

Hmmmmmmm……. well i personally don't think that will work because war and ghostbusters do not just mix. They need another ancient god that freaks the crap out of everyone. And also i think you need to have someone helping you on your english. I see your point but… I dont think that we want a greek god in ghostbusters. It would just be to weird.

Wait i think the judgement day thingy is a great idea just not with the greek freak.

by Slimer03

21 years, 10 months ago

Wait i think the judgement day thingy is a great idea just not with the greek freak.

by jewy

21 years, 10 months ago

well slimes when i ment war im ment that if war happens then the world comes to a end and thats when ares arrives and scairy shit happens. also have u ever heard of the book of jakeco. well i dont know tht much about it. but my friend does and he told that this book has predicted the world wars and it say when the ki8ng from the east and the king from the west meet the world will come to a end. but i think its a great idea
and whats u talking foo i speech good english

by jewy

21 years, 10 months ago

so what do u guys think