one thing i still dont understand....

by SavannahGB

22 years, 2 months ago

I know im gonna get booed outta the forum and have rotten tomatos thrown at me for asking this but i've been wantin to know…

How the hell do you do the franchise stuff? Im not askin being a smart ass, im really curious. I dont know and i would like to know.

i mean, doesnt this kinda fall under the same thing as the RPG forum? or can someone explain to me how they are different?

by Dr.Roberts

22 years, 2 months ago

BOOOOO!!! smile

Just kidding…actually, it does sorta fall under the RPG umbrella. The main difference is that we actually have GB uniforms and gear…and we make and run our own GB business sites.

by LordVego

22 years, 2 months ago

i thought you guys really did stuff..i have been trying to figure out the same thing but no one would tell me

by SaugusGB

22 years, 2 months ago

That's ok, I'm so gullible when I first came to the boards I thought the equpiment that the fans built were real! LOL, shows how much of a doofus I am smile


22 years, 2 months ago

Yesss….real packs…thats right..real! Heheehehe, uh i mean. yeah what we do is build costumes and go out and run around acting like ghostbusters, and do it up as much as we can to look like a real operation.

by DanElektro

22 years, 2 months ago

Wait…you mean to tell me that some of you people are using FAKE packs? Like what, made out of wood and stickers and cake pans and stuff?