Ongoing series??

by Spanish_GB

19 years, 5 months ago

Does somebody know what happened with these series?!?!

by imported_Isaac

19 years, 5 months ago

I'm afraid the ongoing is most likely done for at this point. Apparently the guy who created the GB comic, Sebastien Clavet, had some problems along the way and wasn't able to keep up with any deadlines. So even if he ever did want to start up the ongoing again, I doubt any comic distributors would want to have anything to do with him. At this point, I think we should all just be thankful for the great Legion miniseries we got and hope that the hardcover is still coming. It may not be as good as getting an all-out ongoing series, but it's better than nothing.

by GB3

19 years, 5 months ago

Hopefully he can at least get the three issues that were solicited out. Maybe those first three issues were at least in the can. But as someone posted on another thread about the Legion HC update, one poster had a thread from writer Andrew Dabb about his upcoming comic works, and was asked and responded to the GB comic. He said there are problems right now and doubts that any more GB comics will come. Then mentions that there are very minor plans about a possible mini sereis for ‘06. But he too didn’t seem hopeful. Could this mini have been the ongoing and they will produce into a mini (heres hoping)?


19 years, 4 months ago

Basically the answer to your question lied in the corner of your sig pic there.

by Spanish_GB

19 years, 4 months ago

End of Legion… We NEED a continuation series!

by GuyCC

19 years, 3 months ago

So when the hardcover finally comes out, do you think the ongoing series might see the light of day?

If so, where would you like to see the storylines go?

Stay in New York, visit other parts of the country or the world? I think it would be a tongue in cheek homage to depict the start-up issues with making the GB franchise branch around the countries, and the guys having to put out start-up fires from the new locations.

The oft-hinted at Janine/Egon date. More of how Peter and Dana work as a couple with Louis still playing some part.

Even intro some of the characters from GB2, even if the events never happen.

Hey, I'd even like to see a “Return of Gozer” storyline.

I mostly responded to this as I'm tired of the “delay” threads. We can't do anything about it, so why not play with the “what if” possibilities?

Who knows? If the ongoing happens, maybe some ideas will be taken into consideration. I want to see that creative team reunite.

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 3 months ago

I was thinking about this today…but I don't think it will happen.

by Dr.PGhastly

19 years, 3 months ago

So many things they could do with Ghostbusters. Do you know how crazy the GBs world would be if they had an animated series in the vein of Legion? 88 MPH needs our support. Delays are one thing but quality is another. Think The hard cover deal is big? Take a walk in the shoes of a Nintendo fan.

by divia1

19 years, 3 months ago

Would I like to see one? Yes.
Do I think one will happen? Nope.

Seb is facing too many problems and I dont think there is any way he could possibly make an ongoing series.

by Troggard

19 years, 3 months ago

I'm lost here. Lemme get this straight: There were the 4 issues published (which I have), but nothing else will come from it? No continuation?

And what's the hardcover thing? I missed out on that, didn't I?