Ontario Busters

by GBFreak

21 years, 11 months ago

Well do you knwo where Peterborough, Ontario is? Cuz if you're close to there then you're close to me.

by Chadderbox

21 years, 11 months ago

Im in a small town near Guelph, is anyone near there

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 11 months ago

I have been to Guelph before… all I remember is going to the science center there, pretty cool stuff.

by Chadderbox

21 years, 11 months ago

well i live like 20 minuites from there in a little town

by StayinPuft

21 years, 11 months ago

I'm an hour from Guelph, in a south easterly direction…

by Chadderbox

21 years, 11 months ago

really have u ever heared of fergus or elora?

by Dr.Venkman

21 years, 10 months ago

I'd still really like to start this up.. has anyone regained interest in it to help get it off the ground? There are no other Western New Yorkers here so the WNY GBs are out of the question..

by GBFreak

21 years, 10 months ago

SO I guess if we were to get our act together I'm sure we can put this team into gear and really have something.

by Lt.Handley

21 years, 9 months ago

Ok I'm back in the saddle, The Ontario Ghostbusters is in it's production stage, so far it's Brendan, me, and possibly and likely Justin Third. I have my Equiptment and will soon begin production on Brendan's Pack. I'll keep you updated but don't ask me to make you a pack, the most I'll do is a pair of Ecto goggles, $50 canadian if you're intrested, not movie perfect but still an eyecatcher (not literally). If there are other people who are intrested in GB Ontario they must be withing 1 hours drive of Peterburough or Fenelon Falls or at least make routine trips every month or so. Otherwise the GB Ontario will have to be seperated into divisions, if that is the case then you will have to have your own team, #1 rule of ghostbusting, never go solo.

by Lt.Handley

21 years, 9 months ago

Well, it looks like the future of the Ontario Ghostbusters is cemented. The props are being constructed by myself although Ringo is buying one from Paranorman (apperantly my cheap middle-quality packs aren't good enough for him). The Team comprises of this.

Jonathan Handley - Leader (or so I like to think) and trap and ecto-goggle bearer
Brendan Mertens - Does all the talking and drives the Ontario Ghostbuster's initial car.
Justin “Ringo Starr” Third - Well he is… interesting to talk to… We'll stick him somewhere later

The Ontario Ghostbusters Will have their first get-together (and possibly first appearance on the franchise scene ) at the Galaxy theatre on the 6th of June during their showing of Ghostbusters. Afterwards once the props are done we will explode onto the franchise scene with our first mallraid. After that we may appear on radio, put ads in the paper, and try to get gigs at children's birthday parties. We use packs made from paranorman's plans and, I think, our initial car will be a Grand Am, which will be of coarse Ectoized, but, Brendan's in charge of that so I dunno all the details. In a year or so I will hopefully be getting a hearse that will be definately be turned into an Ectomobile.

We do plan on a website but… well, none of us have the know-how to make one, we'll put something together though. Anyone interested in joining the Ontario Ghostbusters leave a post here. it is prefered that you live near Peterburough or Fenelon Falls (near Lindsay). I may or may not decide to make any newcomer's packs, it is a hassle.

Any Questions?