Open or Unopen ???

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 5 months ago

I like keeping things in the package if they have a cool looking package. Also, I find it easier to display more stuff by keeping it in the package and hanging it on my wall than to fill up shelves upon shelves of stuff… although I do keep a bunch of toys on top of my kitchen cabinents. I love waking up every morning to see the “Alien” queen and two drones snarling down at me while Santa Cthulhu regulates on a corner.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

This goes for comics as well:

Not opening it and using it for what it was meant for is an insult to the artists.

Bit harsh of a statement considering its a split opinion thing going on here.

I don't view it as insulting to the artist. The toys are made for adult collectors. Collecting the toys doesn't necessarily mean you have to open them and I'm sure a lot of the creators feel the same way.

I'd imagine that the creators are just as split as we are about their feelings on opening the figures. However, not opening figures is such a common occurrence, that I highly doubt that the creators (who I'm sure have some figures still in their packaging) would be insulted that someone wants to preserve their work in its most perfect state.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 5 months ago

I didn't vote either as I try to have one of each.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 5 months ago


I keep my GB figures unopened since those 2004 NECA´s figures… and now I do the same with this Matty´s figures… I wish I could buy a couple of them, one to open, the other to keep unopened… but now I´m married, I pay a loan, want a new car, have a XBox 360 games fascination… so… only buying one, and keeping it unopened.

by Dreamstalker

14 years, 5 months ago

I voted for “Open”, but it depends with some things. Comics I'm not too worried about reading them (they're stored in bags though).

The majority of my figures are opened (I kept the box for SDCC Egon) although I do have a few sealed items in my collection (NECA Vinz, full run of Minimates).

by metallico33

14 years, 5 months ago

seeing how the mayority of people preffer open, this is the only thing im collecting, since i lost my love for star wars I said to my self that everything Gbs is the only collection, but i'm kind of thinking a couple of thing specially with the matty figures.

Opening the regular ones and leaving the slime ones or messy figures in MINT

I was searching for some open figures on ebay and I saw that the figures gained double or maybe triple on value. But I know that I will not sell this figures maybe at least on an emergency, but I saw a 12" Venkman going for $200 and a Ray for $300 matching prices to the HOT TOYS Figures and those things some times makes me think to leave them in the package sice everything GBs is Rare for me, we are getting things now but maybe next year we dont. So those are kind of my thoughts again.

Im still thinking if the Retro peter is worth the money before it sold out.

by Venkman582

14 years, 5 months ago

I am a little split on this. All of my Mattel action figures are staying sealed because they are marketed as collectors items, and after having heard how fragile the proton guns, and pack hoses are I am keeping in the package. I may change my mind once the new figure come out, I already decided that I would like to open my Lab coat Ray.

The minimates how ever I have opened some, since I feel like that have appeal when displayed in the open. Some like the SDCC 2009 GBII Peter & Glow in the dark Stay Puft I got two of of because I like how they look unopened.

by IgnatzKaspir

14 years, 5 months ago

I started out buying two of every figure, opening just one. But as the line has gone along, I've been forced to keep more of them packaged and put away. I grew out of playing with toys a long time ago(unfortunately, you might say ), and I simply don't have the space or interest to display some of the figures, such as Peck or slimed Peter. Out of budget concerns, from now on I'm considering just buying one of each figure I like enough to open and display(sadly, that disqualifies labcoat Ray and Louis Tully from the get go).

by metallico33

14 years, 5 months ago

OPEN WON the poll, so anyone else wanna coment on that as for future ghostbusters Merchandise?

by Durstlimpbizkit

14 years, 5 months ago

OPEN WON the poll, so anyone else wanna coment on that as for future ghostbusters Merchandise?

In terms of the upcoming PKE prop, you almost have to buy two. It's is gonna be great to have out of the package because let's face it, it's going to rock, and second, it'll look great to display too.

In terms of the figure, the wands and hoses aren't THAT fragile, they're flimsy, but not fragile. You can bend them and they won't break, mine are holding up great. I have opened and unopened figures, they just look too great to keep all stored up, but it's great to have some out so that they can be seen on all sides.

My beef with NECA in general (and including their GB release) is that there's always more accessories than hands for the figures, so of course you're bound to lose one eventually.