Well the only rule I can think of is that no one can use the 3 finger logo.
do you have anything to add for the rules or anything?
Hah ha, here's where I implement my patented ‘hijack the project’ skills. :p
I guess… something like the following (Rewording and choice/additional stuff up to you)
1) Designs to be original and unique, no use of the ‘three finger’ logo is to be allowed. Neither is use of Castewar's ‘flaming logo’ or Fixer's ‘rock’ logo.
2) No use of another fan's logo.
3)(If for community use)Logos to be created and saved at a reasonable resolutiona and size.
4) Only enter a logo if you don't mind it being used by other groups for fanfics, films, posters.
5) Logos to be saved on a black backing for preview… but if you have Photoshop then a version on transparant backing could be uploaded to Imageshack or one of the other file hosting so people can use said logo without having to chop out the black backing.
That's off the top of my head… :p