Other GB Message Boards

by ghostbusterjustin

19 years, 10 months ago

According to some people on this site this post should go under “GB Websites” or something… But I have a quick question…

what other ghostbuster forums are out there? I'm kind of looking for a place where a newcomer wont get treated like crap…


by gjustis1

19 years, 10 months ago

Well, there are certainly a bunch of message boards available to the GB community; however, there are really only two notably popular boards: GBN and GBHQ. For the time being, GBHQ is down (server upgrades), and you're currently at GBN.

As far as “new guy disrespect” goes, from what I've seen, I wouldn't really worry about getting hassled too much here at GBN. In fact, I find this a downright pleasant place to hang around, virtually-speaking. I certainly harbor no “newbie” disrespect; in fact, you could consider me a newbie at some of the boards, although I'm certainly no new blood in the overall ghosthead community.

The problem that often surfaces are with those individuals who tend to “unleash” themselves on the newer guys……they feel as though it's their duty to maintain a sense of self and authority over an online domain. Fortunately, these types are being weeded out lately, both here and at GBHQ.

On a personal note, if I could make one recommendation in any situation of discomfort, I'm recommend plain and simple ignorance. Simply ignore those that haggle, hassle, and otherwise give you a hard time, unless it's duly warranted. It's something that one simply does not get in the real world, but can easily arise in the online community……if I ever acted in that fashion around some of the individuals I'm aquainted with in the film industry or elsewhere, where would that get me? Answer: nowhere. Rise above it; make it known that you're here to enjoy yourself, to share a common interest, and to get to know the people extant in the world around you.

I saw that, in your Fisch novel post, Kingpin noted the previously-posted topic…..if that's what you're referring to in this thread (apologies if I'm incorrect), I wouldn't take that in the wrong way. Ben's just letting you know that a thread had already been started, and noting his differences in opinion regarding the novel. Certainly no ill will there, at least that I can sense. (sorry if I'm putting words in someone's mouth….)

Bottom line: accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative. Find the people whose feedback, dialouge, and aquaintance you respect and value here, and run with it.

Everyone's a newbie once. Period.

by ghostbusterjustin

19 years, 10 months ago

gjustis -
thanks for the kind words
I'm no stranger to message boards…But I recently found the GBHQ I was checking it out…then it “died” on me…so I found this place…

What bugged me here is..well…I dont like posting and always getting a rude reply back, or a “Sense” of someone trying to be rude - and for no reason.
Just doesnt make me feel welcome, especially as a NEWCOMER…. makes me want to find a new place to hang out in cyber space.

All I can say is this: I love Ghostbusters, have ever since I was born back in 85'. Just looking for a cool group of cats who love the GBs as well. Not looking to cause trouble. Hope I can find a place in this lil' community.
Thanks again gjustis


by Dougy

19 years, 10 months ago

GBHQ's forums are down at the moment. Well, they wont load for me at any rate.

by Kingpin

19 years, 10 months ago

Don't worry, there's no bad blood between us as far as I'm aware…you wouldn't believe how many people are truely dedicated to not finding any previouslyposted topics.

As someone about howmany times there were requests for Ghostbusters Sims. :-)

Anyway, for the moment,Ghostbusters HQ's forum is offline, but we'll get word from the webmaster as soon as there's an update.

by gjustis1

19 years, 10 months ago

No problemo, GBJ…..glad to have ya around. (^_^)

Of course, B-man…..s'what I was trying to say.

by protondefender2

19 years, 10 months ago


Do NOT worry about the few people who come off as jerks. Most of us here are not like that, but I understand how you can get that impression. I am not pointing fingers ar anyone, and I don't think it was a case of someone being a jerk in this situation, but I do remember a real problem about 3 years ago with people on the various boads trying to flex their online muscle. . .wow, how intimidating.

I always suggest trying to find the topic you want to discuss within the last 2, maybe 3 pages. . .if you can't, don't worry about it and post. Now some people disagree with me on this, others don't care. . . but seriously, who has the time to go through all these pages just to find a topic that may fit what you want to post. Keep in mind, more often than not, people will have your back and won't join in the “newbie bashing”.

Our Detroit friend made a great point in saying at times he's considered a newbie, even though he has a over 100 posts! The number of posts is meaningless. . .you have people like me who have been a member of one of the boards since ‘98/’99 and post moderately. . .but I am by no means a newbie. Other people joined within the last year and have hundreds of posts.

So enjoy the boards, take what is said for what it is. . .an internet post, realize no one is above nor below you as a person, and that when you're a Ghost Head, you always have support.

by river_of_slime

19 years, 10 months ago

The people who are the real ass holes in the community are banned from this site. They didnt learn how to show respect to people and they will never learn (yes i know he reads the boards). GBHQ is a good board but im tired of all the put downs a few members do on there. You also got all the major prop boards ASAP (A Site About Props) and Proptopia. Proptopia is a cool ass prop board and its run by the a cool man. Heck he owns 2 Ecto-1 replicas.



I also might note i go by Ecto Freak or some form of river_of_slime on the message boards i belong to.


19 years, 10 months ago

Maybe we should use more emoticons to get our points across…

:@ :-@ (o_O) :-( (;_ :-O (*_*) :-) (^_^) :p (*janine) (*egon) (*peter) (*ray) (*rant) (*spam) (*flame) (*winston)

by Kingpin

19 years, 10 months ago

Oh no, don't go starting that, Chris. :p
