Well, there are certainly a bunch of message boards available to the GB community; however, there are really only two notably popular boards: GBN and GBHQ. For the time being, GBHQ is down (server upgrades), and you're currently
at GBN.
As far as “new guy disrespect” goes, from what I've seen, I wouldn't really worry about getting hassled too much here at GBN. In fact, I find this a downright pleasant place to hang around, virtually-speaking. I certainly harbor no “newbie” disrespect; in fact, you could consider me a newbie at some of the boards, although I'm certainly no new blood in the overall ghosthead community.
The problem that often surfaces are with those individuals who tend to “unleash” themselves on the newer guys……they feel as though it's their duty to maintain a sense of self and authority over an online domain. Fortunately, these types are being weeded out lately, both here and at GBHQ.
On a personal note, if I could make one recommendation in any situation of discomfort, I'm recommend plain and simple
ignorance. Simply ignore those that haggle, hassle, and otherwise give you a hard time, unless it's duly warranted. It's something that one simply does not get in the real world, but can easily arise in the online community……if I ever acted in that fashion around some of the individuals I'm aquainted with in the film industry or elsewhere, where would that get me? Answer: nowhere. Rise above it; make it known that you're here to enjoy yourself, to share a common interest, and to get to know the people extant in the world around you.
I saw that, in your Fisch novel post, Kingpin noted the previously-posted topic…..if that's what you're referring to in this thread (apologies if I'm incorrect), I wouldn't take that in the wrong way. Ben's just letting you know that a thread had already been started, and noting his differences in opinion regarding the novel. Certainly no ill will there, at least that I can sense.
(sorry if I'm putting words in someone's mouth….)
Bottom line: accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative. Find the people whose feedback, dialouge, and aquaintance you respect and value here, and run with it.
Everyone's a newbie once. Period.