by Perrybyu

16 years, 6 months ago

We have new 127 page screenplay for Ghostbusters 3. Problem is getting it to the right people. We have sent it into CAA and ICM (We were told Dan Aykroyd was at different agencies by different people, so we sent it to both) but we doubt anyone of those agencies will forward it onto Dan because the script is unsolicited.

Any ideas on how to get it directly into Dan's hands?

If you ask me and those we have allowed to read it, it is exactly what vintage ghostbusters fans and a new generation of fans will enjoy. Anyhelp on this would be appreciated.

We got to get into Dan's hands…he deserves first look. We would at least like his feedback on it. Even if he does say it's a bunch of ecto-plasma crap.

by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago

Sigh (*egon)

Firstly, it's always seemed somehow slightly insulting for someone to want to send a Ghostbusters 3 script to Dan Aykroyd… the man's had a Ghostbusters 3 script of his own for a significant number of years now so there's never really been a problem with having a script, plus if he needs to he'll have the collaborative efforts of Harold Ramis a phone call away.

Secondly, Dan's said that the game is pretty much Ghostbusters 3, suggesting his desire to pursue a Ghostbusters 3 movie has declined further than it has. The studio, Bill and other factors have conspired against the project for years and whilst he's hoping for the outside possibility that the new game will inspire new interest in a third film, there's still no guarentee a third film will be made if the game is successful.

Thirdly, fan-made scripts are rejected for a reason. It doesn't mean your script is rubbish, but it's a standard setup for studio people to avoid any legal quandry if they take a script which someone then says they're using and not giving the proper credit for the script work to. Regardless of your desire it is highly unlikely Dan's ever going to see your script.

It also does you no favours in my regard to claim your work is as good as Aykroyd's, especially the quality of Ghostbusters, and to also claim this is what fans have been waiting for for years, when I haven't even read it so I could then make up my own mind.

I'm not going out of my way to piss you off, but there have been lots of people in the past who have wanted to send in their script for a third Ghostbusters movie who don't seem to fully appreciate the reasons why things are the way they are.

by Perrybyu

16 years, 6 months ago

I know the legality of why unsolicited scripts are almost never looked at.
About Dan's script. From what I heard of Dan's 3rd script, no one was sold on it, not even Dan. No one would pick it up….And there are lots of comments as to why, but they don't matter. If it was in par with the other two movies it would have been made…end of story. Even with Bill's ranting about not doing anymore GB movies.

We didn't try to out do him, just give him the something we think he has been trying to put his finger on to bridge the gap between his real beliefs and his creative side that would allow GB to go forward in a 3rd installment without shame.

Regardless how good our script is, once a killer script is finally found….we will see a GB 3. The market will gurantee it. I just don't think it has been discovered yet.

I am not offended at all. Most scripts by young writers are trash anyway. So I know I am bringing up an almost taboo subject.

BUT, every now and then, a miracle does happen.
Again I never intended to think we could out do Dan, just that we might actually have something worth his time. That maybe he would even perfect. Or tell us to take a hike. Your comments are appreciated, makes us sharpen our pencil. Still hopeing for a contact or a referrel.

If anyone had a contact for him or could pass something onto him (from this site)…you would Kingpin…So how about it? You must be able to at least get a message out!!

by Kingpin

16 years, 6 months ago

If it was in par with the other two movies it would have been made…end of story. Even with Bill's ranting about not doing anymore GB movies.

There would've been a better chance, but no guarentee that the film would've been any more made. Even if it was a stellar script it still had the studio and Bill to contend with… and I figure since that the infamous script got reviewed, he's probably re-written it, if not created a whole new one between then and now. Not including the game script, of course.

We didn't try to out do him, just give him the something we think he has been trying to put his finger on to bridge the gap between his real beliefs and his creative side that would allow GB to go forward in a 3rd installment without shame.

But the problem as I've said, is that the script is only one of a number of factors toward why a third film has never materialised.

Regardless how good our script is, once a killer script is finally found….we will see a GB 3. The market will gurantee it. I just don't think it has been discovered yet.

There is no guarentee whatsoever. They might have a solid gold script but it doesn't mean the movie will ever happen. Regardless of the market.

Heh, I wish I had a direct line to Dan Aykroyd… but suffice to say I'm not that lucky. I've made some contacts over the years, but none that'd get me any closer to Dan than most of the other people here.

by Perrybyu

16 years, 6 months ago

If I ever get that contact or referrel you'll be the first to know. (^_^)

With a completed full legnth script, It would be foolish to just sit on it. I'll keep pounding it through until something happens. Writing it came easy, we never thought this part would be so impossible, hard yes, impossible no. Quite a different story to get it read.

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 6 months ago

Part of what made Ghostbusters so fantastic was the improv that Bill Murray brought to it, many of the jokes were not used or cut from the script.

That being said, I am confused why you came onto this website looking for help. Honestly, contacting an agent would be much better way.

by 9sam11

16 years, 6 months ago

What do you expect to happen if you do get it to him, which is almost 100% impossible?

If i remember correctly everyone wanted to do GBIII, except Bill Murray said no ,so it couldnt happen. So the script was never a problem, and even if yours was perfect and amazing, and somehow made it to Dan, why would they ever choose it over a script written by the man himself?

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 6 months ago

Let's also remember who owns the rights….

by matthew1

16 years, 6 months ago

Hi Perrybyu. Congratulations on completing your script. What you need to do if you want your script to be read from anyone inside Hollywood is become a member of the American Writers Guild and register your script. The only thing is that Ghostbusters is a copyright so there will obviously be some legalities there which I am not upto date on and that you will need to look into.

The only other thing I would suggest is contacting Ernie Hudson via email. He's a lovely guy and always responds. Maybe he has ways of contacing Aykroyd or Ramis. If you explain to him the fact that you have written a script and that it is legally registered (that is, if you are able to get it legally registered considering the coyright) maybe he can do you a favour and make Aykroyd aware of it.

Let's just say that on the extremely minute chance that your script was excepted (no offence) be prepared for it to be chopped and changed to the point where it may not even be recognisable to your original draft. Hollywood does that alot which is just one of the reasons writers regularly get so pissed off. If for instance you have a very good central idea for a story then Aykroyd may want to take it and put it into a different script.

I wish you good luck.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 6 months ago

Before you do anything, I think you should put the script up for us to read so you can at least get some notes from the community for approval, I personally would reccomend puting the script on Megadownload so everyone could have a read and give their 2 cents.