paranormal board problem solved!!!

by ProtonCharger

21 years, 11 months ago

this is what is said when you first visit all the sections of the message board to chose one to visit. when you go to paranormal talk this is said.

Paranormal Talk
Share your ghost stories, paranormal theories, and nightmares here. A chance to disect the science behind the movies and cartoons is at your fingertips.

ok. so, i dont think its too obvious. if you've read the dos and donts of the paranormal board( , you realise ghostbuster quotes and everything related to ghostbusters on that section is very much so frowned on.

“A chance to disect the science behind the movies and cartoons is at your fingertips.” welcomes that unwanted mess. it says that this section is just like the othersections and come in and have a great time quoting ghostbusters, fake some hauntings, start some flamewars, be a pain and get away with it. no. the paranormal board is the most real life section in all this community. sure its all theories and facts, but it sure as heck isnt a place to joke around. thats the other 90 percent. that one sentence is probably one reason why all that stuff goes on.

i was wondering if there was any way it could be edited to something different. im not saying what, because im not in charge of that kind of thing, but i am saying it would bring another change(which i have noticed a small one since the d's+d's have been stickied). anyway, i just wanted to bring that to everyone's attention.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 11 months ago

I'll second that Idea! I have thought about that too, and I believe a slight edit needs to be done to the description of the paranormal forum.

by LordVego

21 years, 11 months ago

Even though I don't know much about the paranormal, I also agree that Ghostbusters should be taken out of that board unless there is really a way the person could explain what it has to do with anything in reality.

by deathangel

21 years, 10 months ago

i also agree gb doesnt have much to do with the paranormal boards

by Sinister

21 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, I hate it when GB is brought up there, I have done it once, but I was asking a genuine question to other paranormal investiagtors what they would actually have done in the library scene, in the most real and scientific sense… I believ that was ok… if not then I apologise.

But defending myself, the first post that I put in the paranormal section was a rant about people putting GB stuff in there…

by Ghostbuster_D

21 years, 10 months ago

I don't see how anyone can get angry at it. This is a ghostbusters site. If this were a paranormal site, I'd agree that ghostbusters doesn't belong. But since this is GBN, I'd say that gb references are part of the package.

by ProtonCharger

21 years, 10 months ago

obviously you havent been around the paranormal boards much.

that centers every problem we have on the paranormal boards. i understand, among the rest of the posters there, this is a ghostbuster community. but, that section is a very serious portion. what do you study? lets say, you're an engineering student and you're favorite movie is real genius. you post on a real genius message board community, and there's a section pertaining to engineering. real life engineering. some kid comes along and quotes from real genius and says he's making a huge laser.

sure it isnt a good comparison, but if you put into context of someone that puts their life into ghost hunting. thats hunting. or researching. or a degree given parapsychologist, and you see some kid come along and joke around with ghostbusters as what you do( “we go ghosthunting as ghostbusters!” “i have plans to make a real proton pack”!) and you two are in the same town. the kid lucks out and gets to go to a haunted site, fools around. you've been researching the site for ages. eons. so after he flubs it you attempt to go. guess what bub. because of that kid, you wont be accepted to easily.

i think its a matter of respect for those who actually are serious, not some kid posting in a ghostbuster site. its obvious its a ghostbuster section. that intro, says come along, joke around, have a good time and make a fool of everyone that takes this seriously. also, there's 11 other sections to go and have a happy ghostbuster funtime.

my advice to you, as a mod, send word for you all to visit that section whether you're interested in it or not. you'll see that there is some real conversation going on now, and it has to do with the paranormal. also, it needs a bit more visitation than from one or two mods. im not tellin you how to do your job, just read a little into what was said before you say “its a gb community, deal with it.”

by Zack

21 years, 10 months ago

Ok these are just my thoughts but chances are, you're not going to find the highest level of paranormal discussion or expect everything to be taken seriously on a Ghostbusters site. That's just the way it is. It's going to be a mix of people who totally believe everything and are into it taking it very seriously, people who are interested in learning more, and people who are really skeptical or say “its just a movie”. Who is to say what can be real and what can't when it's a theoretical science? Chances are a good portion of the people here got into the paranormal because of Ghostbusters(not the other way around) I say just take this board with a grain of salt and not worry about it.

With “those kind of posters”, odds are this is as far as they take the paranormal. The people that really believe and are doing serious work hopefully aren't limiting themselves to discussion here and aren't spending time worrying about what people on a Ghostbusters website say about them. I'd expect more tolerance from a ninja of your stature! There are both some very serious discussions here as well as some silly ones. Who's to say what are facts and whats fiction?

Most of the time, obvious instigators and offensive troublemakers are easy to spot and will be dealt with as they come but to really try shut out people who don't believe in ghosts/“make stories up”/use GB quotes or make them post a certain way is kind of absurd. Basically there is a paranormal board here for discussion at all because it originates from Ghostbusters. It didn't magically appear for some mysterious reason.

People pursuing more knowledge and info on subjects I'm sure know this isn't the highest level of discussion and talk with people who take it very seriously elsewhere. There are sites that deal with just paranormal(I know everyone knows of sites out there) out there to talk about it but here, there's going to be a mixed crowd. I agree GB should be left out for the most part but an occasional line here or there to lighten the mood shouldn't be enough to make anyone flip out and want to stab heads off. Anger management anyone?

Just saying there are naturally going to be different levels of commitment/seriousness/believers. There are no-nonsese completely serious places out there to talk about it but here there's bound to be all types of people with different ideas of what paranormal is and can be. There's no denying its role in the movie. Ask Dan Aykroyd.

“Some are just people who want attention. Others are just nutballs who come in off the street”

It's like trying to stop the negative people who post about “It's Coming” Not everyone believes or takes it very seriously. I could see if this was but it's a sub-board on a primarily Ghostbusters fansite which is why I think people shouldn't get so defensive about it and just expect those kind of people to show up once and awhile who just “don't get it”. I think that's more or less what Daryl was trying to say in a nutshell. In my opinion, there are far worse problems facing this community.

“Everyone's heard ghost stories around the campfire. Heck, my grandma used to spin yards about a spectral locomotive that would rocket past the farm where she grew up, but now, as if some unforseen authority…”

From what I've read though, it's not really just paranormal. You seem to take everything some people say a little too seriously here. Lighten up and have some fun! :d Just my opinion anyway.


by Sinister

21 years, 10 months ago

Lol, I got into the paranormal when i wasd about 4 or 5 after my parents bought me a Playmobil Ghost figure… i was fascinated with it! From that moment I started buying books on them, fact and fiction, and that also led me to Ghostbusters!

by Ghostbuster_D

21 years, 10 months ago

"lets say, you're an engineering student and you're favorite movie is real genius. you post on a real genius message board community, and there's a section pertaining to engineering. real life engineering. some kid comes along and quotes from real genius and says he's making a huge laser.

Well, that would be kinda bad. But it's also different. That would be a section pertaining to real life engineering with people making jokes about a movie. The paranormal board isn't a section pertaining entirely to real life paranormal. You said yourself, the forum's description welcomes gb references, which leads me to believe the paranormal forum is a place where you can discuss gb-related paranormal events.

Now I agree, people saying that they're gonna build a real Proton Pack shouldn't be allowed, but I can't find a single problem with someone saying ”I've seen shit that would turn you white“ or ”You could always build a proton pack ",or something along those lines.